Chapter 21

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The swim back to the kingdom was long and hard for Roger. He swam non-stop until he returned. As a merman, it's like he had a built-in GPS. He knew his way and could sense directions. It's a weird sixth-sense or something.
He could see the kingdom coming into view. He was on the verge of passing out, so tired. He had to go see Mina. He reached her house and raised his fist to knock. He waited for a minute, hesitating. He finally knocked.
"Yes?" The older lady asked from behind the door.
"Mina, it's me. It's Roger." The door swung open and Mina waited there in frozen in shock. It took her a second to process it before she engulfed Roger into her arms.
"Oh my Gods! Roger, you're home! I'm so glad, you're okay. You look exhausted. Come in and sleep dear." Roger compliantly let her lead him in. If it had been 2 to 3 days ago, he would doubt he would have been able to sleep. As exhausted as he was, he'd fall asleep as soon as he hit the bed.

Brian tossed and turned in his sleep. He barely had any sleep for days. He mostly lies awake at night.
John was worried about him. Brian would barely eat and would just lay in bed most of the day.
It made John feel horrible. Here he has the love of his life still with him and it's like a constant reminder to Brian. It makes him feel somewhat like he's selfish. Freddie got to stay while Roger didn't.
Brian sat up in his bed, glancing over at the time.


He needed to just get up. He got up out of bed and went to the living room. He turned on the TV and sat there. He stared at the program that was on, but he didn't retain anything. His brain was like it was in a whole other dimension.
It had been nearly a week since Roger had left. Brian was completely depressed and it was getting unhealthy.
Brian knew he needed to do something about it but he couldn't. This is the second time he's lost the person he fell in love with. He was afraid to ever love again.
John woke up to the sound of the TV going. Freddie was curled up, asleep to his side. He eased out of bed, not to wake Freddie, and walked to the living room. The sun was rising over the horizon, giving the room an orangish tint.
There Brian sat, looking like shit. He was off in his own little world, not even realizing John was there or just ignoring him. John picked up the remote and turned the TV off.
"Brian, you've got to stop this." Brian's eyes slowly trained up to his. Jesus, he looked even more miserable than the day before. He hadn't shaved so his stubble was growing out, his cheekbones seemed more prominent, and his eyes were terribly dark underneath.
"I can't." Brian said barely above a whisper. John remembers the last time he was this depressed, he hoped it wouldn't reach the suicidal stage this time.
"Brian, you can't live like this! You've barely eaten, you've barely slept but have laid in bed all bloody day. I know it's hard, but you're going to have to move on." Brian just stared at him like he was evil.
"That's so easy for you to say. You didn't lose yours. You get to be happy and be with him. You get a perfect life. Also, You've never had to deal with heartbreak before. You don't know the pain." The first part didn't bother John, he knew Brian was just hurting. The second part is was made him mad.
"Oh, so I've never had to deal with heartbreak or letting someone go? Bullshit! Why do you think I'm gay?! In high school, I fell in love with a beautiful girl named Veronica. I loved her more than life. She was my best friend. We dated and then one day, she wanted to break up with me. She had fallen out of love with me, I was heartbroken. It was out of the blue and she didn't go the best about telling me. She practically embarrassed me in front of everyone at the party we were at. We had been together for years. I thought we'd be together for life. I was Bisexual before, but after that, I never wanted to be with a girl again. You know what though, I got over her. I didn't let it drag me down. I never told you because I don't care about it anymore. It doesn't bother me. I know Roger was different and we all are going to miss him, you've got to move on though. You're hurting yourself. If we have to move again we will." Brian remained silent, feeling stupid.
"We can't move." Brian finally spoke, "If we move and he comes back, we won't be here anymore."
By this time, Freddie had woke up to the argument. He was standing in the bedroom doorway, just listening in.
"Brian, he won't be able to come back. You've just got to move on...for a second time." John sighed. Freddie decided to jump in at this point.
"He's right, darling." Freddie carefully walked into the room.
"You're going to have to move on. Think about how I feel. I just had to say goodbye to my best friend, my brother. We were platonic soulmates. I'm hurting too, darling. I know you loved him, we both did. You romantically though. You don't see me moping around as you do, do you? You've got to deal with this healthily. You're going to kill yourself if you keep this up. I'm not going to stand by and let that fucking happen." Freddie was ready to yank the taller man up from the couch and drag him outside. Well, he'd drag Brian outside once he looked presentable.

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