Chapter 6

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Brian's POV
After the fireworks, we waited for everyone to leave, well from at least our end. John had his camera and I made sure to grab flashlights.
We walked down the sandy path and onto the beach.
I had my flashlight on as we walked along, but a flicker caught my attention.
"You know, those will eventually kill you one day." I sternly stated as John was trying to light his cigarette.
"Well, at least I won't be able to hear you nagging anymore." He teased, taking a drag. I rolled my eyes, slightly laughed, and shook my head.

"Oh, and by the way," Within a second, I was pushed into the water, "that's payback for early!" John couldn't contain his laughter; I was now soaked and it wasn't funny. I had just showered earlier and now I'll have to take another one. I glared at the auburn as he laughed at me. I got up, splashing water at him in the process.

Deaky started to sprint away from me, but he wasn't going to get away easily.

"Come back, John! It's your turn!" I shouted, gaining on him. John then abruptly stopped in his track.

"Why'd you stop? What's wrong?" His eyes were wide and he was breathing heavily. I followed the light of his flashlight to where it was pointed.

"It's a-It's a- it's a"

"It's a mermaid...or merman?" I inched closer, their forehead was bleeding so was their tail.
"Prenter." I hissed; he was behind this. 
"What are we going to do?" John looked terrified.
"We have to get them to the house quickly. Prenter will be looking for them. Help me carry them." I had John gently pick them up from the tail while I lifted them from under their arms.
We weren't getting far; we weren't being quick enough.
"Deaky, I'll carry them. They're not too heavy. It'll be quicker. I need you to turn off the patio light. Just in case. So we won't be seen." John helps me to arrange the blonde in my arms, bridal style. After doing so, John ran as fast as his legs could carry him up to our home.
I moved as fast as I possibly could. I had a small incline to walk up but it was fine.
John had turned the living room light off too along with closing the curtains. He slid the door open for me and shut it quickly behind me.
"I cleaned off the table, place them on it. Its wounds need to be taken care of." He fanatically rambled, attempting to light another cigarette.
"Don't smoke in the house!" He just looked up at me like I was insane.
"You've got a merperson dying on our table and you're more concerned with me smoking?! Let it slide this once! I need to calm my nerves! I'll get the damn first aid!" He stormed off, smoke trailing behind him. John was right though I've got bigger problems right now.
I looked down at the blonde. I could finally tell if it was a male in this lighting. He was very beautiful and womanly like for a guy: soft, round face, long eyelashes, long blonde hair, a cute nose. I couldn't help myself but find him attractive.
I checked his pulse and it was very faint but still there so that's good. John rushed back with the first aid and bottle of alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
"Here!" He fumbled with the items as they made their way into my grasp.
I took the hydrogen peroxide first and pour it on the wounds to bubble out anything. I then took a gause and clean out that. I then told the alcohol and poured it next. I found some alcohol wipes and clean off any blood. I also used it to clean the cut on his forehead.
"John, take care of the cut on his forehead." He moved around the table where I once stood. I dug through the box until I found what I was looking for.
"Do you even know what you're doing?"
"Somewhat." It had to be done. I sterilized the needle and threaded the thread through the eye.
I tried my best to stitch up the gash. It wasn't professional, but it would have to do. I carefully picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. John had already got some seawater with a bucket and put it into the bathtub.
I placed the merman into the tub and made sure not to get his stitches wet. His back rested up against the back so he was sitting up position. I grabbed a washcloth and dripped it in the water. I patted the area around the stitch to make sure his scales didn't dry out. I know fish need water. He's part fish? I gently pushed aside his hair around his neck. His gills, I guess, were closed. I guess he only needs those underwater. His lips were slightly parted and his teeth looked razor-sharp.
I picked up his hand, realizing he had claws. I figure you would need sharp teeth and claws to hunt and eat. His fingers were webbed also.
Around his neck hung a necklace. The green stone was pretty, almost reminded me of the stone from Moana.
"How's he doing?" John leaned against the doorframe, probably just finished cleaning up.
"He's doing pretty okay. I'm not sure when he'll wake up. I know he'll be terrified when he does." I rested my arms and head on the edge of the tub. I needed another shower and after that, I plan to stay by his side for the rest of the night.
"I say he will be."
"Yeah, care to watch him while I take another shower to get the blood and seawater off?" He nodded and took my spot on the floor. I thanked him and went to borrow John's shower.
Freddie's POV
The swim back was long and draining. I'm glad that Roger was at least safe until I could get back to him.
I was close to passing out when I got back to Mina. I pushed open her door and found her at the table. She hasn't looked up yet, messing with seashells or something.
"Ah, you're back, how was it....?" She finally saw me and concerned flashed across her face. She jumped up and rushed over to me.
"What happened to you?! Where's Roger?!" I hung my head down, afraid to even answer.
"We shouldn't have even gone." I sobbed. Mina saw the seaweed and untied it. She gasped when she saw the cut.
"I did it to save him, I led the boat away from him. I didn't have the strength to bring him back. He's with some humans now, they'll protect him. They seemed good and he has the necklace and back I'm terrified because I couldn't carry him back and..." She shushed me, ending my rambling.
"He'll be okay, Freddie." She tried to confront me but thoughts raced through my head.
"I need you to do it." She knew actually what I was talking about.
"Freddie, no." Her warnings meant nothing to me now. I'd risk and give up everything for my best friend.
"Mina, I don't care if it means I give up my tail forever! Make. Me. Human."
So I figured out my schedule. If it's okay, I plan to post a new chapter every Friday. It's really gonna help me to have a schedule set. I won't be all over the place.
I know I left this on a cliffhanger...again, but just wait until next week's chapter. It's gonna be great😗✌🏼

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