Chapter 13

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The call ended, each of them stood frozen.
"Get to the Jeep." Brian surprisingly said calmly. John and Freddie didn't waste any time. They were out of the house in a flash. Brian grabbed his keys and made sure every door was locked in the house. He walked out to his Jeep, looking to his left to where Prenter was staying. He hoped he wasn't watching them from his window. His driver's side door was thrown open for him.
"Let's hurry, Brian." John loudly whispered, leaning over the center console. Brian got in but still kept his eye on Prenter's house.
Neither John nor Brian had ever been to Miami's house. They never needed to. So when they arrived at where the directions from Miami had brought them, they were confused. They were slightly out of town, in front of a mansion-like home.
"This can't be right." Brian pulled out his phone, scrolling back through his texts to make sure he didn't miss something.
"Oh but it is." John stated, causing Brian to raise his head. Jim was walking over to the car, Roger merely poking out the doorway. Brian was quick to jump out of his car. He rushed past Miami and straight to Roger. Underneath his blue eyes were puffy which meant he'd been crying. Brian nearly knocked him down when he reached the blonde. He hugged him so tight.
"I'm so glad you're safe." Brian whispered in his ear.
"I'm so glad you're here." Roger sobbed, crying into Brian's shirt. They held each for at least ten more seconds before both backed out. The door shut behind both of them, startling them slightly. All of them were in the house now.
"Alrighty you love birds, let's head in here to talk." Brian didn't even throw a smart alec response back, he just decided to let that comment slide. They followed Miami in his living room, taking seats on the couches. Before anyone could say anything, Brian blurted out.

"Miami, how do you live in a mansion?" Miami stayed quiet for a moment, getting his words together.

"It's not really a mansion but, I was a lawyer. Not so much now but if I'm offered a good case, I'll take it." Both John and Brian were surprised. They always assumed that he just ran the shack and that was his life.

"Why aren't you doing it anymore?" John inquired while Freddie threw his legs over his lap.
"You remember when I said I've had dealings with Prenter before? Well, I had a case against him. Let me sum it up easy for you, He was charged with like something harming people and breaking and entering. I fought harm for him to be found guilty, I lost though. I got so mad at myself that I left England and came here. That's the best way to sum it up." So that why he was the way he was.
"Wow, that's just wow." John stuttered, pulling something out of his back pocket which happened to be his pack of cigarettes. "Do you mind if I...?"
"No go ahead, it's fine." Deaky gave a small thanks before taking out a Marlboro and lighting it. Miami slid him his ashtray before he spoke up again.
"So about Prenter, Roger would you like to explain it, or should I?" Roger sat up straight, no longer leaning against Brian.
"I can do it." Roger spent the next few minutes explaining all the events of that morning. Brian only watched Roger as he talked so when Roger finished and Brian looked back up, he could slap John. Freddie had a cigarette between his fingers and was taking a drag. He would ask what the hell was wrong with John to teach Freddie a bad habit but right now, Roger was more important.

"That bastard! I promise Roger I will look after you. I will protect you too, Freddie. If he comes near any of you again, I'll rip his dick off." A few ooh's circled around the room.

"Wow, I wanna see this now." John laughed, a puff a smoke blowing out of his mouth with it; The others giggled. It even made Roger smile which Brian hadn't seen all morning.
In the end, they had established their plan. They would stay at Miami's for the next two nights. Brian would drive his Jeep home and sneak out without Prenter possibly seeing him. This would make Prenter think they were home. If he were to try anything, he'd come out empty-handed.
"You all are safest here so everything will be fine. Anyways, I gonna head to work. You four stay here out of sight, got it?"
"Got it." The four said in unison. Miami waved and head out the door. They all stood silently before John had a sudden burst of energy.
"Race you all upstairs!" He was quick, the others hot on his trail. Roger was laughing finally and jokingly pushed Brian.
"Holy shit! Look at this!" They had just run into a big room upstairs. The windows were big, light poured in. There was a balcony and the room was littered with musical instruments. There were two guitars, a bass, drums, piano, ukelele, and some equipment.
"It looks like a recording studio. Do you think, when he said he was a lawyer, he was a lawyer for a band or something?" Brian was fascinated by it all, the look on Roger's face said he was too.
"I don't know but it's cool." John picked up the bass and plugged it into the amplifier. Roger walked towards the drums, stars in his eyes. He took a seat behind the kit, looking up to Brian.
"Roger, here." Brian smiled, tossing him drumsticks. Roger took his drumsticks and fooled around first, getting hang of each sound. He was a quick learner though, not a pro but better than a beginner.
"He used to take small pieces of driftwood and beat them against shells and whatever he would find. He loved making rhythms, his own little beats." Freddie spoke, walking up beside the taller man.
"He was naturally born for this then." They agreed on it, watching Roger go at it.
"John said you could play this thing," Freddie pointed to the grand piano at the other side of the room, "Care to teach me, dear?"
"Yeah, of course. It'll take you a while to learn fully but I can teach you." Brian sat down Freddie and looked over at the bookshelf in the hall. He found some sheet music and search for the easiest to learn after the basics. While Brian taught Freddie, John added on to Roger's beat, making a nice rhythm.

"That's really nice." Both Roger and John quit, smiling.
"Thanks!" Roger beamed, Brian adoring his enthusiasm.
I hate to cut this chapter short but I'm going to have to. I had so much more to write for it, but I'm not home. I post another chapter, an early one, soon.

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