Chapter 22

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Figured I'd just go ahead and post these last two chapters early🥺
For the first time in days, Roger had a dream.

He was on the beach, he was human again. The sun was shining and the waves splashed on his bare feet. He could smell the air and hear the seagulls squawk. A pair of arms wrapped around from behind him, picking him up and spinning him around. He was laughing and begging to be put down.
When he was placed back on the ground, he turned around. It was Brian, smiling down at him. Roger wrapped his arms around his middle, smiling up at him. Brian's eyes shined in the sunlight.
"I love you." Brian said, holding him closer.
"I love you, too." Roger leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips before he shoved Brian playfully into the water.
"Hey! That's unfair! Roger, get back here!" Roger ran off down the beach while Brian chased after him.

He didn't get to see what happened though before he was pulled from his dream.
"Hey, Rog." It was Kash, she must have woke him.
"Hey." He replied groggily, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Come here, I have a surprise for you." She swam over to the door, waiting for him to follow her. He compliantly followed, his vision blurry from sleep.
Kash made him stop though. She covered his eyes with a piece of seaweed, tying it behind his head. She grabbed on to his hand and lead him. Of course, he didn't know where he was heading, but he could tell it was out of the kingdom.
They traveled nearly about thirty minutes away before Kash stopped him.
"Alright, you can take it off now Roger." He listened and removed the seaweed. Mina was there, about two feet from him. Not to mention, they were in the middle of nowhere.

What's was going on?

"Roger, I know I've been selfish and only thinking about myself, but Kashmira has brought something to my attention. I don't make decisions for you, I don't control you. I want you to be happy and true love overcomes anything." Was Roger hearing things correctly or was he still dreaming?
"I've made my decision and it's for the best." Roger was getting anxious now.
"I've decided you belong up there, I'm going to turn you." Roger was completely overwhelmed with joy and sadness. He jumped at her and held her tight.
"Thank you, Mina." He sobbed, into her shoulder.
"You're Welcome, Roger. You know, you belong up there. You always have. I should have known a day like this would come. Please know that we love you and will miss you." Mina let go so he could hug Kash. She knew in her heart, she was doing the right thing.

Freddie stuck to what he planned. He forced Brian to clean up and make himself presentable then drug him outside.
Brian hadn't been out in days. He almost forgot what it felt like: the warmth of the sun, the cool summer breeze hitting his skin, the salty sea air. He could see a storm blowing in though. One like he saw on the day Roger and him ran out on the beach. Oh, how he'd give anything to relive that day.
Freddie forced him to eat something as well, getting him a veggie burger from the town's diner. He ate it reluctantly so he wouldn't be hurt by the older male.
John stayed behind at home, rather upset with Brian. He said he had things he had to do, but Brian knew he was upset. It was hard for him the first time to deal with Brian like this, even harder the second time. Despite their quarrels and disagreements, Brian was John's best friend and he cared deeply about him. It would break him if something happened to Brian.
"How are you feeling?" Freddie asked as they walked side by side down the beach.
"Okay...I guess." Brian responded stiffly. His gaze reached out over the horizon, avoiding eye contact with anyone. He wished Roger would just bob out of the water then and there. He wanted to see him one last time.
"I know it's hard, darling, but we'll make it through this. Together." Freddie gave him a playful punch in the shoulder then challenged him to run back home.
As soon as they made it inside, that's when the downpour began. They were so lucky.
Both of them were laughing which surprised John. Brian hadn't laughed in a week.
"I can't believe you beat me." Brian gasped, taking to breathe after running and laughing.
"Sorry darling, I'm just more agile as it seems." Freddie giggled before going to take a seat with John on the couch.
When Brian went to sit down, the doorbell rang. Since he was already standing, he went to answer it. He didn't even bother looking through the door hole, he just swung the door open.
There on his doorstep was Roger, human again, soaked from the rain. Brian felt his whole body freeze.
"Hi, Brian." Roger mumbled, smiling. Brian lunged at him, grabbing and holding on to him like never before.
"Roger." Brian didn't know if he dreaming or not, but he was so happy. Their laughing and crying attracted John and Freddie to the door. Roger pulled back and the couple looked stunned. Roger tackled Freddie into a hung then John next.
"H-how, Darling?! How did you become human again?" Freddie's excitement was barely maintained, practically bouncing on his feet.
"Kash. Kash talked Mina into it. She made Mina realized that I belonged up here. I didn't belong there anymore, my home was here." Freddie sent a quick prayer to the gods thanking them for his sister. She was an absolute fighter.
"I'm so glad, you're home now. We'll leave you two and we'll all talk later." John grinned, before leaning Freddie back to the living room as Brian led Roger to his bedroom.
As soon as the door was closed, Roger's lips were on Brian's. It was rough and needy at first but toned down into passionate and gentle. Oh, how both of them thought they never see each other again.
They pulled back and rest their foreheads together.
"I love you, Roger. I love you so much."
"I love you too." Both of them gave a breathy chuckle, so happy to have each other.
"Now let's get you out of those clothes." Brian said, not meaning what Roger's made it out to be.
"I've been back for 3 minutes and you're already trying to get in my pants. Wow Brian, so gentlemanly." Roger teased, loving Brian's smile.
"Smart Alec, I was meaning let's get you into some dry clothes before you get sick." Brian laughed, feeling his face heat up. Roger found it hilarious that Brian was getting embarrassed; it was cute. Brian grabbed some of Roger's clothes they had bought before the whole ordeal and turned his back. He didn't want leave, but he was respectful. Roger quickly changed and playful through the wet clothes at Brian.
"Fine, I'll take them in here to dry." Roger bounded along right behind him as he took them to place in the dryer.
"How did you even get these clothes?" Brian asked looked down at the plain black shirt and jeans.
"Mina perfected the spell so once we were turned, we were clothed. They remained waterproof till we got on land, but to my luck, it was raining." Ah, so that's how Freddie got his clothes that day too.
"That's better than ending up naked." Roger nodded and cringed at the thought.
After many kisses and flirting later between the two, Brian made dinner. Today had been the best day of all of their lives. It was perfect.
They had Roger back, Prenter was behind bars, and they were safe.
While they ate, they talked about how Roger got back, laughed about memories, and overall, enjoyed the night. They were absolutely grateful that they would all be together once again.
All that's left now is the epilogue🥺

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