The letter

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Dear Dean,
You said to me to be like Elsa to let go, so this is exactly what I am doing through this letter. I spent every day counting the days until I'll see you again. Talking to you always brings a smile to my face. Without you, I am incomplete. I can't describe the way you make me feel. I love watching sunsets and taking long walks on the beach with you. Even though you are far away, you are so near to my heart. It's this power my heart feels beating and jumping. I think you are adorable with those green eyes with flecks of brown and gold. The colors I love. The colors of the earth. I've never felt this way before. I look at the sky every day and feel you because I know we share the same sky. I can't deny the fact that I really miss you. I wish you were near but we'll get through this. I dream about you every day and every night.You are the apple to my pie. You are my batman in a '67 Chevy Impala.I'll be always here....counting the days until we see each other again. There ain't no me if there ain't no you.

I love you, I love you with all my heart
Yours, your little wolf-girl.

My name is Claire so I wrote it from Claire's perspective. I know there is an age gap but she and Dean are my favorite characters soooo I just imagined everything. Please tell me what you think about it and be honest.

A love letter to Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now