7. The bitter story

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Kabir's POV:

"You can turn around." I spoke to an embarrassed Nitya who had been standing by the door with her back facing towards me.

She turned around quietly and gave me a puppy-eyed look. Along with it she added- "Sorry."

My lips broke into a grin. She was so innocent. Only few seconds ago she came to my room and knocked on the door. I had just taken a shower and was clad only in a towel when I opened the door, idiotically assuming that the room service had come to deliver my breakfast.

The lethality of my assumption came crashing soon when I heard Nitya's shrill yelp from the opposite side.

Not that I was as flustered as her or something. In fact I was quite glad to expose my worked out, naked torso to the world so that the people in there could admire the ripples of six packs curved on my body. But this Nitya was a difficult thing. She wasn't even remotely interested in the accidental yet gorgeous view, and for the sake of her comfort I had to wear my t-shirt and shorts before summoning her to face me.

"You... you should always wear something before answering the door." She muttered sheepishly, looking severly hot and flushed.

I chuckled this time. "So was I wearing the towel... but you just had to react as if you had seen me naked!"

The creamson glow on her face doubled up within no time.

"Towels are not counted as clothes."

"But t-shirts are counted in that category, right?"

She raised her eyes and watched my black t-shirt. Her eyes gleamed with wordless appreciation. It bemused me, but I chose to remain quite. And soon enough, the loving look in her eyes got replaced with discomfort and guilt.

"Sorry for last night." She spoke some time later.

"You remembered whatever happened last night?" And now it was my turn to get embarrassed. Like if she really remembered everything then shouldn't I be the one apologising to her and not the other way round?

"I wasn't that drunk, Kabir." She confessed softly as she fidgeted with the diamond ring on her finger.

"Well, in that case...." I breathed in some fresh air. "..I should apologise to you, Nitya. If anyone was guilty yesterday then it was me. I was the one to get carried away in the moment."

Nitya mumbled something incomprehensible and then said aloud- "We are grown ups, Kabir. I think we should handle this situation more maturely."

"Yeah... and I am glad that you came to my room to talk about it and clear the confusion for once and all." Oh Nitya, I will be forever grateful to you for not assuming me to be one of those perverts who takes advantage of drunk and helpless girls. Because trust me, I am anything but that. I don't touch girls without their consent. Only you were an exception. I don't know why.

"Hmm." She cleared her throat and looked at me with renewed confidence. "So...lets get ready?"

"We are still sticking to the plan?"

"Ofcourse." Her lips twitched into an amused smile. "...And you have just half an hour in hand."


Day 2 (January 4),

Day 2 (January 4),Jodhpur

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