19. Better Circumstances?

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"Vani?" Kabir beamed as he checked out my appearance for some good five seconds. "You are married? Wow!!"

I kept gaping at him unble to frame a proper sentence.

"Congratulations." He spoke again and gave me a quick hug. Then he turned towards Vivek and put forward his right hand. "You must be Vani's husband? Hi, I am Kabir, Nityami's...."

He paused suddenly as our eyes met for a brief moment.

"Hello buddy, nice to meet you. But Vani never mentioned anything about you?" Vivek looked at me questioningly. I didn't look at him back.

"What has happened to you? Are you sick?" I asked instead.

"I.. You must be going for your honeymoon I suppose? Well, I don't intend to make you miss the flight." Kabir gave us a toothy smile which not so unexpectedly, didn't reach his eyes.

Talking about eyes, they looked as pale and lifeless as his face was. It led to a sickening feeling form at the pit of my stomach.

"Are you sick, Kabir?" I asked again, each word emphasised at a time. He just shrugged his shoulders in response. "Will you tell me what has happened? You look like a zombie for god's sake!"

I was never in a position to question Kabir, not atleast in this tone. It felt weird, but I chose to remain straightforward with him.

"Yeah, you are too pale and fragile. What is wrong with you?" Vivek asked this time.

"I am fine. Don't bother about me." He replied with the same smug and nonchalance. "And I think you should be really get going now."

"You don't tell us what to do and what to not!" I snapped when I could hold no more. "Just answer this straight, alright??"

Kabir looked down, his eyes lazily gazing on his sports shoes, the white floor, our hazy reflections and probably an explanation written over there in invisible ink.

"I have been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis." He spoke after a pause, deflating the air out of me.

Liver cirhossis? Did he just say 'liver cirhossis'?

"Liver cirhossis?" Vivek asked mirroring my thoughts. "What is the condition now?"

"Pretty bad." Kabir answered with a faint smile.

"Bad? What are the doctors saying? I mean as far as I know, liver cirhossis isn't incurable. You can either take medication or can go for a liver transplantation if..."

"....If I find a suitable donor." Kabir shot stopping Vivek abruptly.

"Yeah.. I am sure we can arrange for one." Vivek shrugged his shoulders.

"I need lots of money for that."

"Money is no problem."

Well, the Somanis were rich just like that. But since Kabir had no inkling about it, he kept staring at Vivek for a while before he cleared his throat and mumbled- "I need the motivation to live as well."

Something broke inside me...something strange, something deep. Sure this was the person I hated the most for ruining my best friend's life once upon a time. But hearing that the person doesn't want to live anymore....

"What bullshit is this, Kabir?" I finally asked in a very trembling voice.

He just smiled at me, a smile meant to pierce my soul. "I have had enough, Vani. Love, life, success, failure, guilt, redemption, I have seen it all... and now there is nothing else I want to hold onto."

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