10. The last meeting

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January 7,

It had been more than two hours since I was crying. My head was in Vani's lap and she was stroking my hairs gently. She didn't try to stop me for once, nor did she get up from her place. No matter how much her legs ached, she remained stuck with me like a mother attending her sick child.

This scenario had happened before also. Back then Vani wasn't as dear to me as what she was now. But even then she took my care like it was always her responsibilty. I never thanked her for this because I felt that words were too petty to describe my gratitude. But that I was forever indebted to her was no more a matter of secresy.

Vani always used to say that if something causes a lot of pain, be it physical or mental, we should cry our heart out. At one point of time our tears ultimately stop. They are bound to. And after that everything becomes clear and reasonable. The heart understands what it has to bear or what it has to deal with and thus our suffering reduces considerably.

Her logic was correct. I had applied twice and it really worked both the times.

"Shall I get you some warm milk? You haven't eaten anything since yesterday." Vani asked when she felt my sobs dying a little.

I got up from her lap and wiped my eyes. My face had become hot and I knew that my nose had turned into a funny shade of red. Vani must have found it amusing but she didn't chuckle. She just kept staring at me with glittery eyes.

"Its okay. You can laugh at my nose." I mulled grumpily. "And put some chocolate syrup in the milk."

"Bitch." She smacked my head but scurried towards the kitchen anyway.

A tiny smile broke on my lips. Oh, how much I missed our bickerings in the past three days!!

I had returned from Bikaner yesterday. After the previous night's stunt, I didn't think Kabir would be helping me again. But he did. He took my passed out body to the hotel, to my room, paid both our bills and left before I had woken up. I was grateful to him for that. Also I was satisfied because I was finally done with my revenge. I had got my closure and I didn't want anything else in this life.... yet there was something terribly wrong with me. It felt like something was breaking inside. Like something was going away. Far, far away. It was a pathetic experience. My mental peace was on a toss and I had no idea how to bring this situation under control.

"Here." Vani kept a tray before me containing some cookies and a glass of lukewarm milk.

I took the glass and had a sip. Then looking towards Vani I mumbled timidly- "You didn't ask where was I for these three days?"

Vani was checking something on her mobile. She didn't shift her gaze from there but muttered in a disinterested tone - "How does it matter? If you wanted to tell anything then you would have done that before leaving Jaisalmer!"

"But I told you that I had some important work."

"Which was clearly a lie." She looked up this time and to be honest, the fury in her eyes scared me a little.

"It wasn't, Vani."

"Acha? Then please enlighten me with what were you upto?... And mind you, don't you dare bullshit about your office work!"

I gulped hard. This was going to be tough man.

"I was with Kab.. err... Bira."

"What?" She gave a look as if I had spoken to her in Hibru. Me, on the other hand, silently kept waiting for her actual outburst.

"Say something, Vani." I pleaded few minutes later.

"Bira? You mean that 'singer' Bira?" She air quoted the word. "You were with him?"

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