14. Karmic twists

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United States
Kabir's POV :


Nazneen gasped as she opened the door of her house. Clearly my face was the last thing she expected to see this morning. Our equation had turned that much sour since the previous day.

"Hey!" I waved at her awkwardly. "Good morning."

She scrunched her brows and remained rooted at her spot. "Where did you get my address from?" She asked in a mechanic tone.

I sighed heavily. "Can I just come inside, Naaz? I need to talk to you."

She eyed me for some more time and then allowed me in. Her house was a pretty site I noticed. It was all decorated with mirrors and flowers and fairy lights. Also there were a lot of photographs of Nazeen and her husband Aftab Quereshi. She looked fresh and blooming in each one of them...just the way she was looking now in her silken night robe and messed up hairdo.

"I am sorry for this mess. I was just about to clean them but..."

I stopped her midway- "Its not your fault. I was the one to come unannounced."

She crossed her hands before her chest and replied curtly- "Why did you come anyway? Because as far as I remember you had said that you don't want to see my face ever again in your life!"

"That I do, but the way I stated it was not at all correct."

"So basically you want to apologize?"

I just shrugged in response.


"Yeah... I am sorry Nit.."


My hands turned cold all of a sudden. Nitya? I was still thinking about Nitya? But I was here to apologize to Nazneen for an entirely different matter!

"You okay, Kabir?" Nazneen's voice broke my reverie.

Was I okay? I touched my forehead and found cold sweat at my figertips. Instantly I knew that I was anything but okay.

"Yeah, sorry.." I cleared my throat. "I mean I am sorry, Naaz. I shouldn't have spoken so rudely yesterday."

She loosend her shoulders and slacked on a nearby couch. "I don't know what to say."

I took the sofa. "Look Naaz, I understand that its hard to accept the apology in private when the insult was done in public, but this is the best I can do."

She looked up at me taken aback. "You are still so rude, Kabir! Did you even apologise from your heart or it was just for the sake of formality?"

"Ofcourse it was from the heart! Else I wouldn't have bothered to collect your number, track its location and come hunting for it all the way from Philadelphia."

"Such levels of stalking!" She shook her head on disbelief.

"But it is harmless, I swear."

She took few deep breathes to calm herself down. Once done, she asked me courteously- "Have you had breakfast or shall I get you something?"

A hunger pang grumbled in my stomach in response to her words. I looked at her embarrassedly and muttered- "you can already guess."

A faint smile appeared on her lips.

"But have you brushed your teeth?"

She shook her head.

"Get your chores done. I will wait here till then... or can I have a look of your beautiful house?"

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