Author's note

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Hello all.

Need to say few things before getting done with this book.

To begin with, Malang had not been a pleasant journey at all. I didn't get readers no matter how hard I had tried. Till date, I couldn't understand what went wrong and where... and guess what? I will never understand anything unless you people point it out yourself.

Though I need to mention about some special people,
1) Arry20 thanks for the nomination dear. It seriously meant so much. But you nominated me in the wrong place. The rules clearly said you need to nominate only those stories which have crossed 30k... and Malang couldn't even reach 1k!
2) AmitManjary0 Avanti_2209 Pardeeptithanks for your precious votes. Even this much of support was worth finishing the story.
3) BiyaJose can I ever thank you enough? I guess not. So I am not even trying.

And finally to end with, I hope I could do justice to the beautiful state that Rajasthan is. I tried giving you all a virtual tour of some of the well known cities, but if you want to know more, go and watch BANDISH BANDITS on Amazon Prime. I bet this is the best thing you'll get to see in such a shitty year as 2020!

Well, Amazon is not paying me for the promotion, lol, but I'm doing it just out of my pure love for this amaaaaazing series. So those who haven't seen Bandish Bandits yet, watch it quick and thank me later.

As for me, I don't know if I will continue writing or not. Those who follow me will get to know if I do, but for the rest, maybe we will meet again in your wattpad feed someday.

Take care till then. Thank you... and lots of love from Frozen_dew❤.

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