Chapter 1

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There could be seen a boy with green eyes, they once were so bouncy, bubbling over with happiness and cheer, now they are but a husk of their former glory, the child; abandoned, hungry, desperate, QUIRKLESS. He roamed the streets, searching for food, he fount a bird, how good meat tasted, however raw it was, he then prayed for the animal, thankful that it gave him sustenance. He found a hero, no... The Hero, he found All Might, he asked the man, with pleading in his eyes "Do you think a quirkless could become a hero?" The boy's eyes flashed with desperation, a need for recognition, a sign that his existence was not a waste of space. The hero lost his smile, feeling truly sorry for the boy, he was battered, beaten down, hungry, but the hero could not bring himself to lie to the boy, "While that is a good dream, something to strive for, it is unrealistic, I advise against it" his voice somber, as if he regretted the words before he said them, he turned to the boy, his expression was so contorted with sadness and pain that for a lack of a better term, he looked 'broken'. He looked lost, without hope, without anything, having already lost everything. The boy turned around, he walked almost mechanically away, something inside the boy had snapped, he no longer felt the need to abide by society's rules, they didn't want him, and he, in turn, didn't want them. the boy walked, and he walked, and he walked, on and on and on, over and over, until he reached a scene that would change his life, the boy had found a mugging, his first reaction was to run, but that would only serve to scare the mugger, and might make him hurt the mugee( the one being mugged). The boy found a pipe, he grabbed it, and slowly snuck up behind the man, holding the pole above his head, little did the boy know that a hero was watching, he perched himself along the edge of a building casually, curiously watching the scene before him, he was going to interfere, but saw the boy stop, as not to scare the mugger, 'no, wait' he thought 'he's just a kid, there's no way he's that smart', he pushed the thoughts away and again focused on the boy, finding that he was about to strike his opponent, he hit right on the side of the mugger's neck, the jugular, and watched as his opponent slumped to the floor. The pro hero quickly jumped down, wanting to check him and the woman for any injuries, but by the time he got down there, the kid was already gone, having seemingly disappeared. The boy ran down the road, thinking excitedly 'I-I just saved someone, Izuku Midoriya just saved someone!' He turned the corner into an alleyway, as he slumped on the wall, he finished his thought 'It doesn't matter what society says, it didn't want me, so why should I follow its rules. Even if I'm quirkless, I can help people, if they won't let me be a hero, then I'll help people anyway, whether it follows the law or not'. The boy grinned, it was at this very point that the newest vigilante of the city was born.


Eraserhead groaned as he slumped into his chair in the UA faculty lounge, he had just come in from the outside, and the rest of the faculty felt like something was up, but none of them really wanted to bother him, as he was holding a mug of coffee, and no one gets between Aizawa and his coffee, until Present Mic walked into the room, "Shouta!" He half-shouted, quickly latching onto Eraserhead, who didn't even bother trying to push the clingy hero off. He let out a sigh and said, "I found a kid this morning", everyone in the faculty room had a surprised look on their faces "I thought you hated kids" they all said in tandem, he gave them a slight glare "I found him on the streets, he stopped a mugging and ran off before I could ask him anything", they turned silent for a second before midnight stated worriedly "we need to find him before he ends up hurt", she turned to no one in particular "can anyone send some newbies to find him?" They all shook their heads slowly before midnight turned to Eraserhead, "can you look for him during patrols? I'll look for him during mine", Aizawa nodded as Present Mic joined in "Me too~!".

*4 years later, Time skip brought by Aizawa's tiredness*

Izuku could be seen walking around Dagoba community beach, moving junk and broken machinery into two piles, he whispered to himself "I'll clean up the beach to get into shape, and it will let me experiment with machinery!", the boy quickly began to dispose of the useless junk, and made away with the remaining parts, "Machinery, metal plates, wooden flooring, glass. Everything here has a use, someone even left a couple of phones around, this will be fun!". The boy spent several months working on his equipment, for a simple lack of things to do if for nothing else, until the faithful day he was done, Izuku had kited himself out with a black hoodie, combat tights, black combat boots, and black fingerless gloves; along with his normal wear, he had a baton, a retractable metal staff, a tazer(meant for self defense), gauntlets made of metal, they made almost no sound as the boy had put cloth between the plates, dampening the clinking. He had a dark green visor (because all black is too moody) and quickly began to run around the rooftops, getting himself used to his gear before starting his patrol, avoiding heroes and taking down villains, having taken down 3 villains, Izuku called it a night, and quickly made his way back to the abandoned warehouse that he called home (to clarify, Izuku had set himself up inside of an abandoned warehouse, making a work station for making his equipment, and a training area for different martial arts types, as of now in the story, Izuku knows Tang soo do, Taekwondo, and Silat.).


"Hey Eraser!" called Snipe, "did you see about that new vigilante?", the underground hero cocked an eyebrow, "A new vigilante?" He asked "any information?", the sharpshooting coworker responded with "it seems he/she is always seen wearing black, and they seem to have some sort of physical quirk, they always leave their opponents beaten and bruised, but not hurt in any meaningful way, it's funny, it's almost like a painful reprimanding from a parent, a "don't rape her! Don't steal that!", it's kind of funny. The tired hero only stared as he took in this information, 'a new vigilante, huh? More work for me' he thought, quickly brushing off the comment and going about his duties, they hadn't been able to find the kid that Aizawa saw, and there have been no missing persons posts, meaning that either they were abandoned on purpose, or whoever would've put up a missing poster was dead or unable to. Aizawa sighed, 'I really hope this isn't the same kid'

Sorry for the kind of short chapter, I've been having some writers block issues as of late, but still wanted to have something, while the "The Boy Who Suffered" story was interesting to me at first, I quickly found that I had no real direction for the story, and found a wall. This story is still fresh in my mind, and I apologize for maybe rushing the beginning, but there would literally be nothing other than training and elementary school there, thanks for reading! Words:1292

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