Chapter 7

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After recovering from a near-death experience via Eri, Izuku got ready to go on his patrol of the night. Though the crime rates in his area had gone down recently, the streets were still crawling with villains, and he wasn't about to potentially let some random civilian get injured because he was a lazy ass.

He made his way around the city, jumping from building to building while also making sure to make as little sound as possible, he had a reputation as one of the most secretive vigilantes in history for a reason. Izuku passed over an alleyway and found a completely unwelcome sight - a couple of guys gathered around a girl with pink hair. They kept telling her to come with them and 'have some fun'. Izuku was honestly disgusted, and also disappointed that they felt it necessary to bring 8 guys just to take one weak-looking girl(though upon closer inspection Izuku noticed that she had considerable muscle mass). Not wanting to even run the risk of them doing anything to the girl, Izuku dropped down and made a tapping noise with his foot - in an instant, every villain had turned to Izuku, who was leaning against the wall and letting his murderous intent lean a little bit. Some of the villains shivered, but none of them ran, which gave Izuku more work.

He rushed the closest person, who had some sort of fire quirk, and gave them a quick but strong punch across the face. The man crumpled onto the floor, and Izuku continued to the next man, focusing on pressure points. This cycle continued for 3 more people, at which point the other 3 began to regroup and coordinate their attacks. Izuku dodged a knife, then a ball of water, another knife, fireball, and finally got around to landing a strong kick on knife boys face, knocking him out. The other 2 began to realize how hopeless it was and sprinted down the alleyway in hopes of getting away from Izuku.

Though he could have easily chased them down, Izuku was more concerned with the shaking pink-haired girl in front of him. "Hey, your okay... they're gone, your safe, they can't hurt you now." She began to shake uncontrollably and he got the feeling that something was seriously wrong, only for him to notice that he hadn't reeled in his bloodlust yet - sighing, he made sure to reel it in all the way, and she relaxed considerably, "sorry about that, forgot to reel in my blood-lust" she shook out of her stupor and bowed to Izuku "t-thank you for s-saving me, I'm s-sorry for being scared of you" he shook my head, "it's fine, I was the one acting all murderous. Just call the police and get yourself to safety okay? We can't be having you hurt all over again." She gave Izuku another bow and he climbed up the nearby fire escape, giving him access to the roof of a nearby building. Izuku sighed, "tonight is going to be a long night."

Izuku got back home somewhere around 2 AM, covered in bruises from his chest down. He had been especially careful of his arms now because no one at UA had ever hurt him(yet), and it would be difficult to explain having his arms wrapped in bandages for no reason. He pulled himself from his bed and got to making breakfast for himself and Eri, who was still trying(and failing) to get themselves out of bed. In the time it took for Eri to come downstairs, Izuku had taken a shower, gotten dressed, and made breakfast for his sleepyhead sister, who was currently making their way down the stairs while hugging a pillow and yawning. "Good morning, Eri. Sleep well?" She mumbled something and flopped onto the table while idly scratching behind Mu's ear (the cat does still exist). Izuku finished his dinner and picked up his bag, "I'm off. Try not to scare Mu onto the ceiling fan again.". Izuku heard the faint words "one time...!" come from Eri.

Izuku made his way to school at his usual pace, a jog, and, as per usual, got to school a good 10 minutes before the rest of his class. Izuku sat down and began to write analysis notes for the villains he fought the night before, one with a fireball quirk, one with big fingers, one with some sort of water manipulation(so on). He was interrupted by the sound of laughter coming from the hallway, an unwelcome sign of his classmates getting to school. Izuku hurriedly put away his analysis notebook and got into a neutral sitting position, anything else and his classmates would come over to taunt him about it. 3 of his classmates walked in - a girl with a slight gigantifiction quirk, a boy with weak fire manipulation, and a boy with a quirk that makes him more like a mouse - and took their seats while making small talk between themselves. "hey, did you guys hear about that quirkless kid? They say he got first on the written exam." The girl with the gigantification quirk said in a loud whisper, the fireball kid responded, not even bothering to try and whisper "what? no way that happened, he must have cheated somehow. he's just a quirkless after all.", "I heard that he's really friendly with the teacher of 1-A and the principal, maybe that's how he got in?" Of course, it hurt that the other students saw him in such a light, but Izuku had become so used to insults over the years that it didn't really bother him all that much. Their conversation continued with the subject of making theories on how Izuku got into UA, more and more people joining in as they got into class - by the time that Midnight walked in, there were at least 12 people in the conversation, which was now loud enough to be heard in the hallway. "My dear students, please don't insult your classmate. He may be quirkless, but he earned his place here." almost every student in the room groaned, the unspoken words of 'why should we have to deal with a quirkless pest?' hanging in the air.

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