Chapter 9

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On the way back to UA Tsuyu had been a nervous wreck. While she knew logically that Izuku was in good hands, Recovery Girls included, he had looked so close to death when he entered the ambulance that it filled the frog-like girl with a sense of dread. She would have just stayed with him to make sure he was okay, but along with feeling the dread of his situation, she felt confused at the contents of the piece of paper she had gotten from him. It was an address - more specifically, an address for a warehouse on the edge of Musutafu.

Tsuyu had no idea what was in the warehouse, but it seemed worth investigating, so she followed the address and is now standing right in front of the building. Cautiously, she turned the knob of the door and slowly entered the building. Despite her initial impression of the building, which had been based on the dreary exterior, the interior of the warehouse looked like a fully functioning living space, 'is this Midoriya's house?' Even the thought of someone living in a place like this made Tsuyu nervous - did his parents live with him? Was he on his own? Questions that made Tsuyu question the safety of Midoriya flooded her mind, only to be interrupted by sounds of shuffling from above her.

The green-haired girl looked around until her eyes eventually settled on a little girl that was peering at her from the top of the stairs, Tsuyu looked at the girl with interest until it hit her that Midoriya might have wanted her to come here for the girl. Tsuyu gave the girl a small smile and waved at her, "Hello. Are you related to Midoriya by chance?" The small girl's expression faltered for a second, "yo-you k-know Nii-chan?" Tsuyu instantly felt bad for the girl, she didn't know that her big brother had been injured. Tsuyu nodded to the girl's question, and as soon as she did, the light blue-haired girl practically ran down the stairs and only stopped running when she was right in front of Tsuyu, "Is Nii-chan alright? he didn't come home yesterday so I got worried." Tsuyu gave the girl a sad frown, "He was injured at school. before he went unconscious he gave me a piece of paper with this place's address on it." the short girl's face dropped, "If you'd like, I could try and take you to see him." Her face lit up and she nodded excitedly, which made Tsuyu give a small smile.

Tsuyu carefully picked the girl up and began the long walk to the UA campus, all the while listening to the small girl, Eri she learned, talk with great fervor about her big brother. The more the girl talked the more concerned Tsuyu grew from Midoriya and his situation - Eri had mentioned that he had been the only one to take care of her, meaning that his parents were entirely out of the picture and that he worked several part-time jobs to support himself and his sister. While it was impressive, it was incredibly worrying that one person had to do so much just to go about his daily life - he must have gotten little to no sleep consistently, which made it a wonder how he was able to fight as well as he did at the USJ. She tucks this new information away for later.

After about an hour of travel Tsuyu and Eri arrive at the front gate of UA and are suspiciously greeted by the principal who just so happened to be outside at the exact moment that they arrived. Suspicious. The mammal greets you, "Hello Asui-kun, I would ask what you're doing on the school grounds considering that you have been given a day of rest after the USJ incident, but I'm more curious about the girl your holding. who is she?" Tsuyu isn't surprised that the principal knew they were coming, so she goes ahead and answers his question, "She is Midoriya's younger sister. She wanted to see him." The principal's face loses it's trademark smile and is replaced by immediate concern and seriousness, "and you knew about his sister how? Better yet, how did you know where he lives? That's a secret he hasn't even told me." To say Tsuyu was now surprised was an understatement, she knew for a fact that the school should have records of his home's location, yet it evidently doesn't have said records. It put Midoriya's situation in an even more mysterious light. Tsuyu pulls the piece of paper out of her pocket and hands it to the mammal, "He handed me that before he passed out at the USJ, I think he was worried about his sister and wanted me to check on her." Nezu's face turns contemplative before he gives you the most serious look you've ever seen on his face, "okay... Asui-kun, let go inside before we talk more on this matter." His tone leaves no room for argument.

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