Chapter 6

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Aizawa had realized some things very early on this year at UA, one was to NEVER, EVER, have any preconceptions on the skill set of Izuku Midoriya. The kid was a child prodigy, having already completed most of the year one curriculum 2 weeks in to the year. Another was that his class was full of idiots. The third was that Izuku Midoriya may have one the highest potentials for heroism that Aizawa had ever seen. He was charismatic, cared for others, knew when to joke and when to be serious, he seemed to have experience in close quarters combat(CQC), and had a natural penchant for sticking his nose where it didn't belong. It was honestly astounding that this kid didn't get into the hero course, Aizawa didn't even remember seeing the kids' info sheet when he was going through test results, though he did score a ridiculous 98 on the written portion(the previous record being a 95, and only a 60 needed to pass). After sending his class to Ectoplasm for math, Aizawa decided to take a break in the teachers lounge, which already had a very annoyed Nemuri sprawled on the couch, "what's got you so riled up Nemuri?" She turned to Aizawa and let out a huff "I swear, it's so annoying! No matter what I do, that Midoriya kid just never reacts, never drops the innocent face, it's frustrating. I just want him to mess up!" Aizawa was giving a small grin behind his scarf, though completely undetectable by others, Aizawa knew that every now and then Izuku let his true face show, a completely empty child, truly an emotional void. While it was hilarious that even Nemuri couldn't make a dent in that facade of his, the fact that Midoriya even had one up in the first place worried Aizawa, why was he so unemotional? And as much as he hated to admit it, Aizawa had taken a liking to the kid, which meant that Aizawa was now curious about everything he did. One of the weirdest things about him was how detailed his analysis was, as it was on the level of a profesional, despite it being only a hobby, and the fact that he listed weaknesses and counters to people's quirks and fighting styles was very troublesome for hero's - if any of them got out, whoever was inside would need to completely revamp their fighting style as a counter. Another very concerning fact was the seeming aversion to All Might. While Aizawa was aware that the man was a complete idiot who had no reason to be a teacher, he was the number one, and there was almost no one in the country who didn't think of him as a good person, those who thought about him negatively were most often villains, and the very thought of Izuku Midoriya as a villain scarred the shit out of Aizawa, meaning that he would need to keep an eye on Midoriya just in case. Aizawa did some research on his school computer about Izuku, pulling up his application form, his personal file, everything he could find, and came up with startlingly little data. He knew that his name was Izuku Midoriya, he had come in first place in academics at his old school and set a record for the highest score on the written exam. He went to Aldera Middle School. There was very little to work off of, and considering that most people in the school, even students, had a thorough background check before coming here, it made little sense that there was so little information. Another thing that bothered him was that his score for the practical exam had actually been deleted instead of never put in, meaning someone purposefully took away his chance to become a hero, which made Aizawa a tiny bit angry. "Principal Nezu." Aizawa bowed to the rodent, who waved a paw and told him to come in, "I have some questions. They're about one of the new students, 1-C Izuku Midoriya" Nezu quirked and eyebrow "Aizawa-kun, what is so interesting that you needed to see me? You could have asked Nemuri-San" Aizawa shook his head, "Nemuri can't help me with something that isn't there. His hero course practical exam score is deleted. It's not like he didn't take the exam, someone deleted his score, and therefore removed his chance at the hero course" Nezu had a glint in his eye now, he was interested(poor Izuku).

The afternoon was spent with Aizawa and Nezu digging up all they could on the child, before he came to the school and during the exam. They discovered something very interesting, the fact that Izuku Midoriya had 58 villain points along with an additional 20 hero points, totaling 78 points, which was the 3rd highest score among 1st years. Seeing as he had such a high score, he should be in the hero course, yet someone, or multiple people, had made the decision to prevent that, which intrigued Nezu to no end. A disturbing fact that they discovered is that, while he walks around the school normally... Izuku Midoriya is officially considered dead, having been never found after being taken from his parents. But he was here, which meant he wasn't dead, and had somehow stayed under the radar for almost 10 years.  Now both Aizawa and Nezu were extremely curious now, he was such an enigma - supposedly dead, yet walking around perfectly fine, a child prodigy, someone had tampered with his practical exam results, he was a pure ball of mysteries, and on top of all that, he had an almost perfect facade up constantly. Nezu decided to judge the boy for himself, now too curious so back off.

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