Chapter 2

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As Izuku pulled himself out of bed, he groaned from the massive bruise on his lower right torso, the night before he had gone on his first patrol as a vigilante, and to say it in a couple of words, it could have gone better. He quickly got up and got dressed, then got to making his morning coffee(yes he drinks coffee, CAFFEINE!!!), after drinking it, he realized that he had maybe an hour before he had to go to school, and focused on honing his Silat, as that was when he had been injured the most, he sat there, beating away at the training machine (it was one of those ones with 3 spinning levels, and sticks coming out of each level), he stopped, took a shower and prepared for school, 'my personal hell, eh?' he thought bitterly, he rushed down the road to his school, making sure not to hit anyone, and treated it as some sort of pseudo training, dodging between people like nothing. As he finally made his way to the entrance of the school, he avoided the gazes of his fellow students, 'they'll only hurt you again', the part that hurt the most about this whole experience was that he couldn't fight back, even talk back for that matter, even a peep out of him while being bullied was considered threatening the other students as he was quirkless. He didn't scare them, not one bit, they just enjoyed watching him suffer. He plopped himself down on his chair, preparing himself for another day of beatings, they were starting to hurt now as well, an explosive Pomeranian entered the room, and he gave the quirkless boy a glare like no other, one that said "your very existence is a waste of space and resources, fucking die already". The teacher walked in, and began class, only to watch as the other students began to berate Izuku for being there, while throwing objects of varying weight and danger at him, one threw a wad of paper, another threw a rock- which had hit him on the head- and another had thrown scissors, which had promptly made a large cut on Izuku's forearm. He winced at the pain, blood trickling down his arm, as soon as even a drop hit the desk, the teacher yelled at him for dirtying the school equipment and auto failed his assignment, also sending him to the nurse- who refused to treat his arm- and the principal- who gave him a look, and told him to go home, while pocketing Izuku's school fund-  Izuku made his way home, grabbed his bandages and gauze, proceeding to patch up his arm, 'this one will scar' he thought 'along with the other 13'. Multiple scars could be seen lining Izuku's arm, all from his classmates. None of them knew his real name, they all thought he was named Ren Akirodo, his alias for the school and classroom, after all, Izuku Midoriya has been missing for 4 years. He began to suit up, today would be an early patrol.

*Time skip 2 years, brought to you by my lazy writing*

Izuku ran across the rooftops, surefooted and confident, he had been a vigilante for 2 years, rarely seen, let alone spoken too, he had been dubbed Muon, as he rarely made a sound while doing his work. His target for the day had become the criminal organization Hisaikai, who were basically the mob bosses of organized crime in Musutafu( fun fact, Musutafu translates to "no stuff"). Izuku snuck in through the window (amateurs, leaving a window open), and quickly made his way down to the bottom level. making sure not to alert and of the guards, he opened the hidden passage and began his descent into the basement level. After sneaking around for a couple of minutes, Izuku found a small room, the inside seemed to be painted light pink, and inside was a small girl sitting on the bed, she had white hair and a small horn on her forehead. Izuku grew angry, her arms were lined with scars, much akin to his own 'who would do that to a child?!' He thought- not realizing that it described his situation perfectly- he tried to open the door and found it locked, the girl flinched, she looked scared, like she was expecting to be hurt. He quickly pulled out his lock picking kit, and started to open the door, he heard a small click as he opened the door slowly, as not to make any noise, the girl looked up; confused, afraid of being hurt - emotions Izuku knew all too well-, he slowly approached her, she flinched back and started to say something before Izuku put a finger to his mouth, she closed her mouth, and he whispered into her ear "I'm going to take you from this place, okay?" Her eyes widened "a place where you won't be hurt, is that okay?" His voice had softened considerably, making sure that she understood his intent was to keep her safe, she nodded slowly; Izuku slowly lifted her off the bed, all the way looking for the girls permission, not wanting to do anything that might frighten her, after she was in his arms, he left the room and carefully closed the door, only to find himself face to face with overhaul, "shit" he said, quickly backing away, before overhaul could reach him, 'his quirk can kill me, better not to chance it', Izuku turned a corner and started to sprint a quietly as possible, not making a noise, he could feel the ground underneath him start to tremble, he quickly dodged left before a spike suddenly shot out of the floor into the space where he had been moments before, he wasn't going to be able to outrun Overhaul forever, and he needed to protect the kid, Izuku turned another corner and started to sprint up the stair, no longer caring for stealth, he shot out of the stairwell, landing on the wall before knocking one of the guards unconscious, he started to print down the hallway, and jumped out of the nearest opening, which just so happened to be a second story window, Izuku quickly pulled himself around the child in his arms, protecting her from the impact and shattered glass, he landed on the pavement with a groan, his side took the brunt of the fall, and he felt a stabbing pain in his left side. ignoring the glaring pain, Izuku started to sprint down the road, not caring if he was seen, making his way quickly back to his home, he started to slow down considerably as he made his way to the entrance, he opened the small door on the side of the warehouse, the child looked at him concerned "w- where are w- we?" her voice shook, and it became obvious that she didn't trust this place, "it is my home" Izuku responds, quickly setting the child down on his couch before taking a look at her, checking for injuries, she had a small cut on her cheek, to which he quickly placed a band-aid on, "all good, no serious injuries, here, you are safe, and anyone who wants to hurt you has to go through me!" He said, his voice that of someone who truly cared, the child turned to him and he asked "by the way, what's your name? I can't keep calling you kid forever", she looked nervous before she responded "E- Eri, w-what's y-yours?" she was stuttering, obviously still nervous, he responded "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya is my name", he smiled before pulling his hoodie off "let's get started then...!" He stared down at his own body, several pieces of glass were stuck in various places all over his body, some in his shoulder, though his arm had the brunt of the damage (as he was using to shield Eri from the window), Eri gasped and he looked at her, she looked concerned as well as scared of the sight before her, her savior, the one who took her from that hell hole was covered in scars, his arms were the worst, but his torso and legs too; though the amount of scars severely decreased as soon as you left his arm, he had several scars littering his back, some in the print of hands, some were like blade marks, the same went for his legs, they were somewhat marked up, and the thing that struck her most was the fact that he had a massive wound on his leg,  it was almost stabbed through, and was bleeding profusely, "shit...!" She heard him say as he bent down to further inspect the wound, in his rush to save her, he neglected to notice the chunk missing from his leg, "that's gonna be hard to explain", he hissed as he touched around the wound, pulling shards of stone from within, as soon as he had pulled everything out of his body, he started to bandage himself up, "let me help!" He heard Eri half shout, walking up to him, she touched his leg and activated her quirk, his leg started repairing itself and soon the wound was completely gone, along with the glass cuts, "thank you" he said "is your quirk healing?", Eri shook her head "Rewind" she said, Izuku thought about it for a second, 'so she can rewind objects to a previous state, interesting...',  "do you want some food?" he asked, Eri looked surprised, she had never been asked before, only told to eat, then broken apart and put back together again, she smiled as bright as the sun "yep!", Izuku got up and went over to the kitchen, quickly grabbing everything he needed to make dinner, he started to cook, and a delicious aroma filled the air, Eri leaned forward "smells yummy..." she said softly, before walking up to the table that had been set up, it was simple sheet metal, and could seat 4 people, after a while of waiting, the older boy called out "sorry for the wait!" before walking over to the table and carefully putting a plate in front of the smaller girl, "careful" he said "it's hot", it was a simple meal, an omelet rolled with rice on the side, and some simmered greens on the side, to him it was the norm, but to her, it was the most delicious thing in the world, she ate like she hadn't eaten in weeks, Izuku simply stared, surprised by the hunger of the child, and smiled happily at how much she liked his cooking. After they finished eating, Eri looked wiped out, and before she could fall asleep, Izuku said "do you want to take a shower tomorrow or today, it's night now, so you could just sleep, and I'll need to sign you up for school tomorrow" the small girl jerked her head to the side " school?" she said "what's that?", Izuku sighed and decided to just have her to take online courses, as he didn't have the time during the week to homeschool her, and she obviously needed to start at the beginning, "anyway" he continued "shower today or tomorrow?", the girl quickly replied "tomorrow" and started to nod off, picking her up, Izuku gently laid her on his bed, pulled the covers over her, and opted to sleep on the couch. As the morning came, Izuku got off of the couch and checked on Eri, she was still fast asleep 'can't blame her, yesterday was rough', he started to train, hitting the training dummy with terrifying ferocity and accuracy, he stopped before long, took a shower, and started to cook breakfast, and Eri started to stir, slowly waking up, she sat up and rubbed her eyes, "morning Eri" Izuku said, getting a "Morning nii-chan", Izuku's heart soared, 'nii-chan' he thought 'not a bad title!'.

I take back the comment about writer's block, most of this episode came out of my ass, I just wrote without thinking. Feel free to criticize in the comments, and my 2000+ word chapters are back. I will try to keep an every Wednesday upload schedule, don't hold me to it too harshly, school is a bitch. Words: 2047

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