Chapter 5

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Izuku walked nervously around his living area- after the exam he had come home and practically collapsed, much to Eri's worry, only to wake up a while later and begin to freak out that everyone present at the exam now knew that he was quirkless, it would be bad enough if they just thought him weird, but useless was an adjective that Izuku had already had too much of, and was fairly certain would be used again in this school. what did help was that people no longer needed to call him by his alias, as he was formally registered as Izuku Midoriya at UA, and even though he might not get into the hero course, he still had a shot at general education. Within the week Izuku had gotten his letter from UA- literally shaking with anticipation, Izuku opened the envelope and a small, metal disk fell out, it soon emitted a light and projected a hologram of All-Might, Izuku flinched at the mere sight of his former idol, his mind wandering back to when he had told Izuku that he couldn't be a hero. Pushing his thoughts aside, Izuku listened to the number 1 hero as he explained "Hello young Midoriya, you did remarkable in the practical test, though it wasn't quite enough to get you into the hero courses, you are still a part of general education." Izuku felt his heart drop, he didn't do enough, he didn't get in to the hero course, he wouldn't be able to support Eri.

*Time skip brought to you by an unplanned update. Sorry!*

Izuku shook himself awake and looked at his bedside clock, 4:15 it read- Izuku had apparently woken up much earlier than he normally did, first day jitters he supposed, and went about his normal wake up routine; get dressed, brush the teeth, make himself breakfast, and because he had woken up so early, he trained as well, putting in that little bit of extra practice that he knew he would need keep up with the other students, he wasn't able to get into the hero course through the entrance exam, so he would have to get in through the sports festival or some other means. the Gen. Ed. Courses didn't have a training plan, so he'd have to put in extra work.

Izuku kept at his training until it was 5:45 and decided that he should begin making breakfast for Eri (not before taking a shower of course, hygiene!) and pulling his school supplies together, going over everything one last time- Izuku paused as he heard some stumbling upstairs and looked to see a very sleepy Eri walking down the stairs in her pajamas- she promptly sunk into one of the chairs at the dining table, spreading her arms out. Izuku got up and put some food out for Eri, who happily ate away at the food before her. She gradually woke up more and more, and before long, she was looking at Izuku with a bit of wonder in her eyes "nii-Chan, did you make it into the hero course?" Izuku flinched and slowly shook his head, an action to which Eri took as an opportunity to comfort him. "Thanks Eri, but I still got in, just not into the hero course. I'm a part of General Education" she still pouted a small bit, her brother was strong enough to be in the hero course, so why was he in the Gen Ed classes? "Have fun nii-Chan! Don't let them hurt you!" Izuku laughed at that, like they could hurt him.


Izuku jogged to school, wanting to be at least a little early to his new school, first impressions and all that, though he was interrupted by a line of his old classmates, including the ones who had tried to attack his sister. "Ren Akirodo, we forbid you from going to UA highschool, no quirkless bitch should be allowed there." Izuku gave them a look, he didn't have time for this shit. Izuku kept on his merry way, not making any movements to indicate a stop, which confused the students, they thought he would back off and run home like a little bitch, but instead he was challenging them head on. They broke the line and went in to punch Izuku, who easily dodged all of them, walking away like it never happened, still on his way to UA. The former classmates fumed, this little quirkless was defying them- no, making fun of them, his superiors. They continued in a cycle of trying to hit Izuku, him dodging, them falling, and then getting back up for roughly 10 minutes. All of them were winded, yet Izuku was barely tired, all of them barely knew how to fight, and they were going against someone with just over 2 years of live combat experience. In favor of getting to school on time, Izuku ignores the group as they finally gave up and trudged back to their respective schools. Realizing that the ordeal had caused him to be a little behind schedule, Izuku practically sprinted the rest of the way to UA, which was, at this point, flooding with new students. Izuku wandered around the hall mumbling to himself "1-C, 1-C, where is it?" Izuku kept looking but couldn't find the class, and that annoyed him. "Looking for something, problem child?" Izuku jumped because of the voice behind him, he turned around as fast as he could, but let out a sigh of relief as it was just Eraserhead, "hello Eraserhead, what's it been, a month? Either way, yes, I am looking for the 1-C classroom, if you know where that is, do you think you can show me?" Izuku said, and Aizawa sighed, this kid, who is probably better than any first year in the school at making a facade, was somewhere Aizawa couldn't keep an eye on, troublesome, he would have to let Nemuri keep an eye out. Aizawa decided to get some information on the kid, he was interesting anyway. "So, problem child, what's your name?" Izuku chuckled a bit at Aizawa's curiosity, "my my, how curios, you know curiosity killed the cat, but you are a teacher here, so... my name is Izuku Midoriya, quirk, none." Aizawa was surprised, this kid was quirkless? He walked so confidently though, it was like he wasn't afraid to fight when he didn't have a quirk behind him. No he isn't afraid to fight, he knows he can defend himself. Aizawa sighed and decided to leave it there, as they were at the door of class 1-C. " thank you for showing me the way Aizawa-Sensei, I'll get my seat now" Izuku bowed and entered the classroom, which immediately quieted down as soon as he entered, "that quirkless filth, what's he doing here" "I bet he cheated, there's no way a quirkless could get in normally" lines such as these popped up around the classroom, all of them setting Izuku in a worthless light. He ignored the comments he was so used to, but it still hurt that the place he had hope for had also rejected him, he got along fairly well with Aizawa though. Midnight walked through the door not long after Izuku took his seat and silenced the class, "I am your homeroom teacher, hero Midnight, but you can call me Ms. Nemuri" she winked and most of the boys in the class blushed a bit, Izuku the only one who didn't react. Midnight kept her eye on Izuku after that, the wink was a test to see how susceptible the males in her class were to suggestive motivation, such as getting them a little excited so that they work harder, dumb boys, but Izuku didn't react at all, he was completely uninterested in Nemuri as a person, and that made her curious. She spent the class making slightly suggestive movements, to which, again, all but Izuku fell for, the girls admired her, the boys wanted her, Izuku didn't give a fuck. The class continued like that, and when it was over, Nemuri had a break from classes for a while, so she went to the teachers lounge to goof off until her next class. When she got in, several teachers were there, but something about what Aizawa was doing caught her interest, he was pulling up the information on her student, Izuku Midoriya. She went over and tapped his shoulder, to which he just grumbled, "hey Shouta, what are you doing?" Aizawa turned to her, then back to his computer, "I'm looking up something about a student here, he's one of yours, right? Did he do anything weird?" Nemuri thought for a second, what did this kid do that had Aizawa interested in him, he seemed so cheerful in her class that the only thing off was how he reacted, "it's not what he did, Aizawa, it's what he didn't do. He didn't react at all to suggestive actions, but I guess he's just to cheerfully innocent for that" Nemuri shrugged "I saw nothing wrong with him, he seemed motivated enough already" Aizawa sighed and pinched his nose, something was off, "Nemuri, that cheerful face is a facade" she flinched "what?" "You heard me, it's a facade, I've met him before, and on a whim, I told him to drop the facade. His face went completely neutral, it's like he's an emotional void or something" Nemuri gulped, if his facade was so good that even she couldn't see through it(I'm going to say that Nemuri isn't actually suggestive as fuck, and it's a facade, so she has experience), how much has he faked? This left so many questions about the little green boy, but she needed to get back for her next class, so she shoved the questions aside for the time being.


Izuku was having no problem with the classes, as he had already finished about half of this year's curriculum through online classes, which gave him the freedom to pretty much fuck around for a while. He wandered the building and eventually found a testing ground, and what caught his eye was the hero course class 1-A doing some sort of tests. He decided it was a good time to take notes on the hero candidates quirks, so he got out a notebook and set himself up on a hill to the side of the testing ground. He was through notes about roughly half the class before he was interrupted by Aizawa, "problem child, why are you all the way out here, do I need to go and get Snipe to pick you up?" Izuku laughed at Aizawa's bluntness, "he already knows I'm out here Aizawa-sensei, either way I'm already done with about half the years curriculum, so there shouldn't be any trouble" Aizawa wasn't sure wether or not to be surprised or annoyed, this problem child had already broken the school, and was now writing something in a composition notebook at breakneck speed. "I'm not even going to ask" "I got bored" "I didn't ask. What are you writing then?" Izuku shrugged and simply stated "notes" Aizawa quirked and eyebrow(QUIRKED, this was unintentional, but I'm keeping it), "why do you need to take notes? Your done with a semester of work already." Izuku sighed and looked Aizawa in the eye "it's not school notes, it's quirk notes." Again Aizawa raised an eyebrow, Izuku continued "quirk analysis, it's my hobby. I figured I'd take the chance to write about your students quirks" He handed the notebook to Aizawa, who flipped through it with increasing vigor. "Problem child, these notes are... amazing, you said this is only a hobby of yours? I hate to think what happens when you completely dedicate yourself to something" Izuku gave Aizawa a small grin, "there is something I'm serious about" Aizawa stared at Izuku with an expectant look, "and what would that be, problem child?" "I want to be a hero" Aizawa stifled a laugh, "you want to be a hero...? Then why aren't you up here?" I sighed and flopped onto the grass behind me "I didn't make it in the entrance exam, but I need the money, so I want to be a hero" Aizawa gave Izuku a look, then sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "problem child, if your main motive for wanting to be a hero is for the money or the fame, then your not cut out for it. Your quirk analysis could give you an income if you asked for commissions though" I laughed "is the great Shouta Aizawa giving a problem child advice? What has the world come to?" Aizawa walked back to his students, leaving Izuku to think about his goal of heroism.

This update is faaaaaaaaar overdue, and, while it wasn't confirmed in the first place, I did make another chapter for your viewing pleasure. Please don't be afraid to give constructive criticism for the story, all advice is appreciated. Thanks for reading, and keep safe in this time of quarantine!

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