Chapter 3

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"Nii-chan? Why do you come home everyday with more scars?" Eri asked innocently, concerned for her "big brother" Izuku(Izuku is like 13, Eri is 7 in this story), as he comes home from school everyday bleeding or with bandages in several spots on his body, "it's nothing, just some annoying people at my school", "does Nii-chan get bullied, I know you could just beat them, after all you saved me a year ago" she turned to Izuku from her online courses, "why don't you defend yourself?" She asked, and Izuku paused before responding  "because they might figure out that I'm Muon, if they did I'd be in a lot of trouble, and they'd take you away from me", hearing this, Eri jumps down from her chair and rushes over to tackle-hug Izuku's leg, "I won't let them take me from you! I just don't like you getting hurt!" Izuku smiled gently at her, "of course! Now then, do you need any help getting your courses done? I was thinking we should go shopping for some new clothes later, so the sooner you get it done, the faster we can leave!" Eri hopped of his leg, gave him a joking salute, and ran over to finish her lessons. It took Eri maybe 30 minutes to finish her classes, she was surprisingly smart for her age, already being at the 4th grade level despite being 2nd grade age, though Izuku was farther than his classmates as well, only missing questions when the teacher refused to grade his paper or when other students destroyed his work. After getting ready to leave, Izuku helped Eri into her coat (it's somewhere around February, and Japan is in the middle of a cold wave) before holding her hand, and walking out the door to the shopping district. It didn't take the pair too long to get to the shopping area, and they wandered a bit before going to the clothing store, Eri had outgrown some of her old clothes, and needed new ones. After their quick shopping spree, the two of them stopped in a cafe to grab a quick drink and some food, only to be greeted by two of Izuku's more... aggressive classmates, who promptly pushed him out the door, and around to the side of the building, "Ren!" The bigger one said smugly, obviously thinking he was superior " fancy meeting you here! Now, give us all the money you have on you" he started to grab his wallet, but Eri whisper-shouted "Nii-chan! No giving money away!" She pouted worriedly, the 2 boys looked at the small girl and said in tandem "didn't know you had a little sister, Ren! That makes this more fun, why don't we ruff you up too" his face was that of dangerous humor, expecting to shift Izuku up even more by hurting a family member, Izuku quickly grabbed their shoulders and said weakly(a facade of course), "c-come on guys, no point in hurting her... right?", the boys gave him confused and angered looks, "don't TOUCH us, damn quirkless!" They said, before punching Izuku in the stomach and throwing him a bit away, they then continued on their way to Eri, but as soon as the got close enough to touch her, the air seemed to freeze, the temperature seemed to drop several degrees, and a piercing, cold haze could be felt on the backs of the boys, they turned slowly around and saw Izuku getting up, he growled "and here I was hoping we could resolve this fairly peacefully. I was going to lie down and let you hit me, but no one- and I mean NO ONE- touches my sister." he started to walk forward, both of the boys frozen in fear, this presence wasn't that of the boy they knew, it was that of a beast, a bloodthirsty, murderous beast. Izuku rushed them, quickly knocking the smaller boy unconscious by grabbing his arm and smashing him into the ground, the larger boy recoiled, trying to punch Izuku, who easily dodged, jumped in front of his classmate, and started beating the everliving hell out of him, 'face, kidney, face, appendix, kidney, face...' this cycle continued for a while, the larger boy fell to his knees, crying and begging for mercy, Izuku merely stared the boy in the eye, and smiled, a devilish, blood chilling grin, "Mercy! Ha! You chose to attack my sister, my little sister. That alone is enough to warrant your death, a painful, slow, agonizing death. Now sleep." Izuku knocked the boy unconscious, hitting his pressure point, and grabbed Eri, "Let's go home, shall we?", the small girl nodded furiously, hugging her brothers chest for support, she began "sorry" Izuku looked at her and tilted his head with a questioning look on his face, "you got hurt again, because of me" she shrank into his arms, "Eri" he said firmly, "You have nothing to be sorry for, those guys got what they had coming. They chose to try and hurt you, their punishment was my wrath." He skills warmly at Eri, she smiled back while hugging him tighter.

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