Chapter 10

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Tsuyu was talking to Midoriya about how to take care of Eri while he was in the hospital, and they soon realized that while Tsuyu could take Eri to her house and try to take care of her, but she didn't exactly know how to care for a child, and she wouldn't be able to look after her during school hours, along with the fact that no one in the discussion was particularly thrilled with the idea of leaving an 8 year old to their own devices for about seven and a half hours. Tsuyu could go to Midoriya's house and take care of Eri there, but that posed the same problems as her coming to Tsuyu's house. That left leaving her with the principal or Aizawa-Sensei, which they both agreed was the better idea. After a little bit of deliberation with said adults, it was decided that she would stay with Aizawa-Sensei after school and she would stay with Nezu during school hours. While the arrangement was only until Midoriya got out of the hospital, everyone agreed that it would be the best for the moment. Needless to say, Eri was happy that she got to meet people who her big brother trusted with her.

There was also the problem of the fact that Midoriya and Eri lived on their own without any adult influence(though Midoriya was acting as a sudo-parental figure), which wasn't exactly... health. For either of them. Tsuyu was tempted to just force Midoriya and Eri to crash at her place while they waited for a more permanent arrangement, but she ended up putting that idea to the side for later deliberation. They pinged several ideas of each other, occasionally asking for Midoriya's opinion, and actually found that him living with Tsuyu worked the best for their schedules, which was... interesting, because Eri practically bounced off of the walls when she heard that they would most likely be living with her 'Frog nee-chan'. Tsuyu felt pride well up in her chest for some reason. The group finally decided that having Midoriya and Eri live with Tsuyu was the best idea for the moment, and Midoriya didn't seem to care much either way. He was just happy that his sister seemed to bond with someone who wasn't him.

Soon enough, school started back again and Midoriya and Tsuyu had to go back to their classes, though the green-haired girl made a mental note of the fact that everyone in 1-A now held some sort of respect for Midoriya. Whether it was minor respect for the fact that he held his own despite being a "worthless piece of societal trash that couldn't even manifest a useless quirk"(M*neta realized the consequences of his statement after he had almost the entirety of 1-A trying to strangle him, only being held back by Aizawa, who was straining his inner adult to not let them end the grape child's meager life. Tsuyu was not stopped, and dropkicked the boy through the wall into the hallway.), or respect that he had done so well against the bird... monster... thing, or respect for saving a life(Tsuyu was especially supportive), he held the respect of every member of 1-A in some way, shape, or form.

The moment M*neta was out of the room, Aizawa explained that the UA sports festival would still be held, and that it would be used to show the villains that heroes had not been affected by their attack. Several people still felt it was a bad idea. Several more wanted to punt M*neta into the sun using Uraraka's quirk.

Tsuyu had spent the end of the school every day bringing Midoriya's work to him, though he said that he had already completed it, and one check with his teacher later, Tsuyu would end up baffled by how he had already completed work that hadn't been assigned yet. She informed him of the sports festival and he grimaced with... annoyance? It was difficult to read someone who was more emotionally inexpressive than Tsuyu. She also informed him of M*neta's statement and had just waved it off, saying "that's actually pretty tame. I was expecting worse.". Worse than that left Tsuyu worried, and a worried Tsuyu was not someone to be trifled with(think being a Mama Bear, but Mama Frog).

After a couple days rest, Midoriya was back on his feet and began to move into Tsuyu's apartment. As much as she should have been embarrassed that her new roommate was a guy, and a cute one at that, she just couldn't bring herself to think of the situation as anything other than necessary. She didn't want him or his sister living on their own, and she had enough space to accommodate them. Problem solved. Tsuyu also found it adorable that Eri called her 'Nee-chan' like Midoriya was 'Nii-chan'.

Both Eri and Midoriya finished moving their surprisingly(or not surprisingly, depending on how you look at it) small amount of things into the apartment, they all set about for dinner. Originally, Tsuyu was just going to call for delivery pizza or something, but Midoriya offered to cook as thanks, and she was semi-curious at how good he was. Tsuyu immediately thanked herself for letting him cook. Just the smell coming from the kitchen area was leaving Tsuyu salivating slightly(not that she'd admit it). Eri seemed equally excited for some reason.

Midoriya returned with 3 bowls of Katsudon, arguably Tsuyu's favorite food. It smelled heavenly and looked delectable, then she took a bite, and Tsuyu melted into her chair. It was honestly the best damn cooking she'd ever had, and it left her mumbling a satisfied "kero" every couple of seconds. Midoriya didn't even flinch at her reaction, just picking up her bowl when she was done and asking "did you like it?" As a legitimate question. Tsuyu just gave a series of "kero"s in something similar to morse code. It meant something along the lines of "how could I not enjoy it?". Izuku seemed at least somewhat pleased with himself, though it was still very hard to tell when his face was entirely unreadable.

"Hey Midoriya? What did you mean by 'I was expecting worse'? What M*neta said was really mean to you." She asked in worry. He flashed her a confused look, "That is pretty tame though. Compared to what they did to me in middle school, M*neta's comment was actually really tame." This comment sent several alarm bells off in Tsuyu's head, so she pressed further, "What was normal back in middle school then?" She almost didn't want to know. Almost. But he answered her question anyway. "If I remember correctly, suicide baiting was the main one. I managed to get to something like 743 notes, 132 death threats, around 36 red spider lilies. There was more as well. They'd hit me and stuff. They'd also throw things at me; spit balls, the occasional sharp rock, I think scissors were used at some point." By this point Tsuyu was shaking with rage her face was incapable of showing. It was normal for people to suicide bait him? A total of 911 instances?! It's a miracle that he didn't follow through on any of those, though Tsuyu supposes that he didn't want to leave Eri alone.

Tsuyu sent him several worried looks for the rest of the night, and he seemed completely unshaken by remembering his old school. She needed to bring this up with Nezu and Aizawa - someone having that much emotional trauma isn't good, especially for people as young as Tsuyu and Midoriya. She decides to take it up with him later, because for now, she has a tub of ice cream that she is intent on giving to him and Eri to share. Midoriya refuses the ice cream, but gets a bowl and gives Eri a small amount because apparently, the last time he gave Eri any large amount of sugar she was bouncing off the walls for hours, and he doesn't want a repeat. Tsuyu thinks that is understandable.

Hello! Sorry for the late chapter, my brain is being dumb and not giving me ideas, so you get a filler chapter of Tsuyu and Izuku bonding. And Eri. Always Eri. Please look forward to Mythos next week, and I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Words: 1411

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