Chapter 1: I forgive you...

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Author's Note: Hey All! It's me, Platter! I just wanted to give a quick disclaimer. This story is not affiliated with Team Salvato. All Characters and storylines belong to Team Salvato.


You'd think that it is just another ordinary day for an ordinary guy like me, right? Just your average everyday guy, who starts off every morning the same way: Wake up, shower, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, and walk to school with my best friend, Sayori. Then, I'd get to school, and let my attention drift as I sit through each of my classes, totally oblivious to the outside world because the lessons are so boring. And when I've snapped back to reality, I'd have realized the day is over, and I can get to the place I think really matters. The only highlight of my day, The Literature Club. Yuri, the shy, mature type, would be in her usual spot at the corner of the room reading The Portrait of Markov, awaiting my presence so I could read it with her. Natsuki, the tough tsundere-type, would be there, eating away at a cupcake that she made while reading manga. Sayori, my adorable best friend, would be sitting at her desk writing poems and not having a care in the world. And finally, you have Monika, the popular beauty that I stand no chance with. But nonetheless, I love all my club members the same. Yes, this is what you think I go through everyday, but I'm sorry to say that you are mistaken. VERY MUCH SO.

Yuri, Natsuki, and even Sayori...

Are all dead.

The only one that remains is Monika, the one of whom I love very much. Her beautiful, long coral brown hair is held up by a big white bow to form a ponytail. Her eyes that take on a shade of a gorgeous emerald green. The way that she smiles just makes me flush, and the butterflies in my stomach flutter furiously. She has been so kind to me. She is the kind of person that you would see being. But, she's also hard-working, being both popular and academically challenged, as well as athletic. Yes, she seems, at first glance, to be the perfect girl. And just when you think that my situation couldn't get worse, I'll be the first to tell you, they can. Monika is the one responsible for all of my friends deaths. Amplifying Yuri's psychotic behavior which ended up with her stabbing herself right in front of me, exacerbating Sayori's depression, which lead to me walking into her room and finding that she had killed herself, and just flat out deleting Natsuki. She explained herself and said that she was in love with me, the same way that I had been with her.


Monika: I love you MC... I have ever since joined the Literature Club. When I saw you, I couldn't stop thinking about you! Don't you feel the same about me. Can't you see why I did all this MC? It was for YOU! It was those troublesome girls that just kept you from me. Keeping you from noticing me. Keeping you... from loving ME! But... we don't have to worry about them anymore. In fact, we don't have to have a care in the world. This is just a game. It's ALL just a game! Don't feel sad for them, MC! They were just files! But you are special. I truly love you... so much that it hurts to think about what my life would be without you. Say you feel the same MC! Do you... love me the same way?

-Flashback ends-

I was shocked. I can't find the right words to describe what I was feeling that day. The entire world seemed to have vanished. It was just me and her in this abyss. When she asked me how I felt about her, if I loved her. I didn't know what to say. Of course I did love her, but I couldn't find it in myself to say those words. I was horrified. She had taken away Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki from me. Everything I knew was gone. So I did what I had to do, to bring them back...

I deleted her.

-Return to flashback-

Monika: Wh- what?! What is happening? What's going on, why am I disappearing? I'm being deleted, but I don't know what's causing it! MC, please... help me!

I look at her with sad eyes.

Monika: ...

Monika: It was you... who did this to me? Why? MC, I love you, why don't you feel the same? Can't you see that we were meant to be together? What did I do?! Tell me, MC!

I sit in silence.

Monika: What have I done? I killed our friends, our best friends, MY BEST FRIENDS! All of that because I was obsessed with you. I threw away what was most important to you and me, and you had to witness it. I am sorry... I never meant for this to happen! I truly do love you... MC. So very much so. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me. I deserve to be gone. I deserve this punishment, to be isolated and alone, and to feel what our friends were feeling.

MC: Monika I-!

Monika: No, I'm sorry MC. So very sorry. Goodbye...

MC; Monika, NO! Please, I can reverse this, I forgive you... I FORGIVE YOU! What have I DONE?! Please stay... Don't leave me! I-I LOVE YOU, TOO! MONIKAA!!

Tears are streaming down my face.

Monika: Goodbye MC, please, reverse the damage I have done.

I rush in and hug her tightly. She does the same.

Monika: I love you... don't love me for my sake. Just as long as you know I love you, I can still smile. Sniff

Monika's tears are wetting my clothes, but I don't care. I don't want her to leave.

I hold Monika for a few more seconds before she disappears from my arms.

-Flashback ends (for real this time lol)-

After Monika was deleted, I used the console to fix everything. I brought back the world that we lived in, and I brought back our friends. When we saw each other, they rushed towards me, crying. We all held each other close, Sayori being the closest to me. We all sit on the ground, crying and holding each other. After we all said our goodbyes, I tried everything I could to bring Monika back. But, for some reason, something was preventing me from doing so. I tried and tried, but each time I failed. I gave up and cried, I miss her. I love her. I would do ANYTHING to bring her back. That was two years ago.

-Fast forward a couple more weeks-

It's a Saturday, five days before Christmas. I wake up in my bed and stare at the ceiling. Everyone has plans for this Christmas, except for me. Natsuki and Yuri recently started dating, and wanted to spend Christmas in Japan. It took everybody by surprise when they started dating, but nonetheless, we supported them. Sayori is spending Christmas with her family at her grandparents' house. I'm all by myself this Christmas as my parents are out of town for business and won't be back until three weeks after Christmas. Everyone has moved on from the Monika incident, but I am still affected by it. I miss Monika so much, it hurts when I think about her. Even after all she did, I still love her. It seems crazy, but I do.

I randomly decide to go downstairs into the basement. I look for the console. I eventually find it hiding in an old box.

MC: I forgot that I put it here, I hope it still works.

I take the console out of the box, and observe it.

MC: How did Monika get access to this thing if we are the ones living in a video game? Maybe a glitch in the system? Whatever, I have the console now. I can try to bring her back, but I know it's pointless. I tried so many times that day, but I couldn't bring her back. It's as if something is preventing Monika from returning against her will. Sigh well, let's try.

Hey guy! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I'm pretty busy with school, but I have enough wiggle room today to make the second chapter today, so expect the second chapter to be posted VERY SOON ;)!

-Love you all!


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