Chapter 7-Back to my place

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Monika's Mother: She does have a point there. But, Monika, it's our fault for not noticing the way that you have been feeling about MC. So, we are willing to give you a second chance at independence.

Monika is overjoyed. She runs up to her parents and hugs them both. They both look at each other, then at me, and smile before closing their eyes and hug Monika back.

Monika: Thank you so much... for letting me be with him longer. How can I ever repay you guys?

Monika's Father: Just... promise that you'll stick with MC, so as to not accidentally disappear again.

Monika's Mother: Yes... just stay close to him, or at least let him know where you are going if you want to be by yourself.

Monika: Thank you... thank you!

Monika let them go and rushed upstairs, presumably to pack, I totally forgot that she is going to be staying with me for two whole weeks! I feel a smile spread across my cheeks and I look at her parents one more time.

MC: Thank you... for letting her stay with me.

Monika's Father: No problem, son. Just make sure to check on her once in a while. That's all we ask.

MC: I will... thank you again, sir!

Monika's Father: Ha ha, Please, call me Hank. You've earned my trust, MC!

Monika's Mother: And you can call me Veronica! Thank you for taking care of our daughter.

I smile as Veronica embraces me one more time.

Hank: Alright, get out of here, you crazy kids!

Monika lets out a cute giggle and looks up at me, smiling. I smile back at her, warmly.

MC: Ready to go?

Monika: Yes!

We wave her parents goodbye and begin the journey back to my house. I check my phone. By now it is 10:37 A.M. The snow is falling again, resetting the magical scene that we had on the way to Monika's house. Monika has her head rested on my shoulder while holding onto my arm. I turn my head and she looks up at me. She then presses her lips against mine, locking us into a passionate kiss. We stop and let the snow fall onto us. When I open my eyes again, I feel Monika push herself onto me even more. Dropping her luggage, as she wraps her arms around my neck. I put my hands around her waist and kiss her back. It feels as though time has stopped and this is all nothing but a dream. But the kiss against my lips feels so real, so I choose to believe that this is reality. Monika parts her lips from mine, but still has her arms wrapped around me. She smiles at me and I smile back. I have been blessed with an angel!

Monika: Thank you MC. Thank you for saving me, defending my honor, I truly do love you.

MC: I love you too, Monika. My heart belongs to you. I am yours and yours only, and if other people don't respect that, then fuck them. Just as long as we love each other, we shouldn't care what others think.

Monika: Shall we get going, again?

MC: Heh heh... yeah. Let's go!

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter this week. I've been busy with school and all that nature.


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