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He slowly pulls he gun out of his pocket.

Luke makes sure that Grace doesn't notice his movements by holding her tighter and closer to his body.

Luke lets out a tear as he feels the letter that he placed in his pocket as well.

Luke lets out a few more tears as he shakily pulls the gun out if his pocket fully.

Go on Lukey! Do it. Kill her or kill yourself. Your choice.

I-I can't kill her.... I love her so so much.

Luke puts the gun back in his pocket, and he replaces it with the letter. Luke slowly pulls away from Grace and he hands her the letter.

"What's this?" Grace asks. She starts to unfold it but Luke stops her.

"O-open it when I'm not here, I love you Grace," Luke says shakily. He runs out of his bedroom, leaving Grace to read the letter. He goes up to his bathroom and Grace starts to read the letter.

Luke silently cries as he thinks of what might happen in the next few hours.

You should do it now, she won't have to see.

I-I should. I don't wanna leave her, but I'm doing this for her.

Just pull out the gun again.

I am.

Luke stands up and stares at his reflection in the mirror. The blonde boy is pale and looks lifeless.

He shakily pulls the gun up to his head.

Luke Hemmings:
"Goodbye Gracie. I love you."

Grace Smith is typing....

Grace Smith:
"What do you mean Lukey?"

Luke shoots himself.

{Minutes before}

Grace runs up to the bathroom as soon as she finished reading the very long letter. Tears run down Grace's face like a marathon.

Her heart beats rapidly. She shakily fondles with the door knob, in hopes of trying to open it. She fails and she quickly realises Luke has locked the door.

She bangs against the door in hopes that Luke will hear her.

"LUKE!!! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!! I LOVE YOU!!" Grace screams. Nothing. She puts her ear to the door. She hears shuffling.

"Luke, baby, please don't do this to me. Killing yourself will kill me even more," Grace pleads as she slides down the door. She rests her back against the door as she sobs loudly.


Grace sits up startled.

"No no no no no no NO NO!!!" Grace says. She pounds her fists against the old door and she cracks it.

"LUKE!! NO!!!" Grace cries out as she looks through the crack to see a bit of blonde hair on the floor.

"WHY!! NO LUKE I LOVE YOU!!" She screams as she makes the hole in the door bigger with her fists. She finally punches through and she sticks her hand through the hole.

She bends her arm upwards so she can grab the door handle from the other side. She unlocks the door and she pulls her arm back in quickly. She scratches her arm deeply from the door as she pulls it back.

She opens the door and she immediately screams out.

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