Chapter Ten

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"Sup a doodle doo." Freya said, although it was with less enthusiasm than normal.

"Hey." Merlin smiled, he had decided to take a day off from school, he felt he deserved it and he didn't  feel up to arguing with Gaius.

He was back today and not doubting that the rumor that HE kissed Arthur had spread.

"Merlin..." Freya said skeptically, he looked at her, a small smile played on his face, urging her to continue, "I may, OR MAY NOT, havetalkedtoArthurabouthurtingyoutheotherday." She rushed, mumbling.

"what?" He laughed

"I talked to to Arthur yesterday. Well, actually I yelled at him..."


'No no no no no'

"I'm not about to apologize! I'd do it again in  a heartbeat! It's not fair that he beat you up for no reason!"

Merlin paused, Freya knew the truth, well all the truth bar the kiss, no one knew about that.

"It's going to make things worse." He stated, annoyance stepping on his gratefulness,  "I don't want to have to leave this school Freya! If this continues Gaius is going to make me." He fumed, possibly, slightly over reacting

"What?" She said, face  dropping, "No. No you can't leave. I'll talk to him."

"No just stay out of it!" He yelled, walking in alone through the front gates.


That break, Merlin  spent alone, Freya was no where to be seen. He didn't blame her. He over reacted.

Then, like a scene from a movie Arthur and his posse rounded the corner, in sync and smiling. Gwaine was shoving Elyan, irritatingly trying to shove him thought the doors of classrooms, Lancelot walking on the sidelines, smiling politely as he talked with Leon and Mordred and then, standing at the front, with his arm wrapped tightly around the shoulders of Guinevere Smith, was Arthur.

'oh... good for him..' Merlin thought, glumly.

As the group stalked past him, sniggerring, sneering and a kick to the knee from Gwaine due to his unfortunate position on the floor.


"So love birds." Gwaine jeered, jogging to catch up to Arthur and Gwen, "first day on the job. How's it going?"

Arthur shoved Gwaine back and Guinevere giggled.

'Not as cute.' Arthur thought, 'wait no... damn... more cute?' He lied to himself, bending his head to give Gwen a kiss.

"Arthur..." She blushed, smiling but pulling back.

'Would Merlin, pull back?' he pictured wistfully, an image playing in his mind of him kissing Merlin, publicly and lovingly, and Merlin just falling into it, 'JESUS stop thinking like that!' he cursed.

"Mine after school?" He suggested regretfully, and she nodded biting her lip.

'Get cuter...' he sighed, pecking her forehead for show.

Gwaine wolf whistled but then shut up and left.

It was Wednesday and the last thing Merlin expected from Arthur was to attend a study session but when he arrived home Arthur's car was in his driveway

Gwen and Arthur had been sitting in the car in an awkward silence, Arthur never knew what to say to Guinevere, they were completely different people and if Arthur took a guess he would say she didn't know how to laugh at a joke, let alone make one. So they sat, awkwardly biting their lips and tapping their fingers against their own respective knees.

Boy in the bubble (Modern Merthur AU) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now