When I leave you...

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It was a normal day at UA. At least everyone who wasn't in class 1-A would claim. It was calm everywhere else in the school. People wandering the halls and people hanging out with their friends. They were doing everything a normal rising hero would do. Train and learn. But in class 1-A they were unsupervised and very on edge.

It was announced between the entirety of class 1-A that there was a traitor. Someone who was feeding villains all of the information. Someone who was telling the villains what the heroes were going to do next and what the heroes were plotting to do before they even come up with a plan to execute it.

And the traitor was somewhere in Class 1-A...

The teachers and faculty have found that there was no one in the lower classes. It had to be someone in the higher classes as they were able to get the whereabouts of almost every level. Someone who was smart and under the radar. Having a new student in Class 1-A wasn't helping either.

Shinso has just learned about the class's situation. He couldn't help to see people ripped apart because of this whole ordeal between students. Everyone just wanted this to end so they could be friends again. So Shinso would do all in his power to make things right again.

No matter what it took...

All the students were spread across the classroom with Shinso sitting near the front looking over everyone. People were sitting on their own. They were all in their respective groups. That's what Shinso thought was their downfall. Different groups with different likes? Differences cause conflicts and conflicts? They cause fights.

Emos, loners, Bakusquad, Dekusquad, and the extras who don't really fit anywhere. They were talking with each other and never left their groups. But Shinso could see the looks groups gave each other. The glares and the weird glances. You could practically feel the lack of comfort and teamwork that usually came from the Class 1-A.

Shinso let out a sigh and walked over to one of the nearby groups. All he saw was a fluff of green hair and all he heard were very hushed tones. Shinso sighed and soon heads turned to look over at the purple haired boy. Shinso was surprised to be met with smiles. But Shinso could tell those smiles were a little hesitant.

"Hey Shinso! How's it going? Sorry you had to join the class while it's in this state. I swear it's usually great here," Izuku said the purple haired boy in a hushed tone as he saw the boy approaching.

"Don't worry about it Midoriya. It's fine. Honestly this isn't that bad. But I hope we can find the traitor soon. So things can at least go back to normal," Shinso said and out of nowhere they all jumped as a huge bang was set off on the other side of the classroom.

Where the Bakusquad was sitting.

There was Bakugou with a smirk sitting on a desk. Smoke rising from his hand. All of his friends were taken aback a bit as they were leaning away from the ash blonde. His crimson eyes were scanning the classroom and his face twisted into a scowl. He sighed and brought his hand down and at this point everyone was looking.

"What are you fuckers looking at? You guys have been so worried about a huge fucking traitor! You're heroes! Future heroes! At this point you guys should just quit and go home! If a traitor scares you you should even be a hero. A real hero would just suck it up and try harder," Bakugou said and everyone just stared.

"Hey Bakubro... That was a bit harsh. Maybe you should ju-" Kirishima started but Bakugou set off another spark in his palm.

"Shut the FUCK up Shitty Hair. It's the fucking truth and you all know it. You can't be heroes because you're scared of something as simple as a traitor," Bakugou said and the red head seemed to shrink underneath the blonde's gaze.

"Hey Bakugou! That's mean! You hurt Kiri!" Mina said and Bakugou just rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Yeah bro! I know that you've been on edge too! So you can't say shit!" Kaminari shot back as he moved in front of his two friends.

"Ha! You losers think I'm scared? You guys need more help than I thought," Bakugou said with a smirk and Kaminari just growled.

Bakugou's smirk gripped as he growled back. Explosions popping in his hands. Kaminari immediately shrunk like his friends had done. Bakugou was more hostile this morning. There was probably a huge explanation for the blonde's actions. He was probably just trying to cope with all the negative news the whole class has been hearing.
But Shinso wasn't taking any of the blonde boy's shit...

"What's wrong with you?!" Shinso asked angry and confused as he walked across the room and made his way to the blonde.

"I should be asking you the same thing you fu-" Bakugou shot back but was cut off so suddenly.

But Shinso hadn't even noticed what was going on...

He was clouded in rage...

He totally had forgotten to not use his quirk.

" You think you can just run this place?! You aren't even the strongest in this class! Maybe it was fine when I wasn't here. But not that I'm here I won't have it! You can't just tell people who work so hard almost every day that they can't be heroes because they can't be anything like you! Just because of your huge flashy quirk you think your the best out of everyone! I WISH FOR ONCE YOU WOULD GET A TASTE FOR YOUR OWN MEDICINE!" Shinso yelled and looked up just in time to see Bakugou's phased out eyes.

"Bakugou? Bakugou what are you doing? Are you ok?" Kirishima called out to his friends and reached his hand out only for it to be slapped away.

Shinso watched as the blonde looked down at his own hand. Shinso was confused for a second until he realized what he had just said. Everyone in the classroom watched as Bakugou looked around his eyes a hazy white. He brought his hand up to his face and everyone held their breath. No one said a word or took the time to move. Everyone was just watching in shock. Their muscles turning to stone and everything seeming to fail.

All Bakugou did was hold a smile.











"He- He's gone..."

"I'm so sorry... Bakugou I'm sorry,"

I forgive you... You damn extra...

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