Apparently, I'm supposed to be obsessing over you,

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I'm supposed to be dreaming about your kiss,

I'm supposed to be craving your touch,

I'm supposed to be missing you all the time,

I'm supposed to be broken over you,

I'm supposed to be needy,

I'm supposed to be completely manic when it comes to you.

But I'm not,

I'm just fine.

People keep putting thoughts in my head,

That I should be a mess,

Over the simple fact that we aren't together.

But that was never the plan.

Yes, I want you,

But I don't need you in that way.

I'm not broken without you,

I'm not hurting,

I'm not crying.

So why is it so hard to believe?

That a girl could just crave the physical action,

And be disconnected with her emotions,

Yes, there's more to the story,

But he doesn't know.

He doesn't need to know,

Because that's a completely different book,

One that he doesn't need to open,

One that he's not a part of,

One that I never have to open with anyone ever again,

Because I'm rewriting the story now.

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