We both know that you don't smoke to forget,

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or drink to numb the feelings. How do I know this? Because it does the complete opposite. The savoring effect that ole Mary Jane has on you is remembering what makes you happy. You pick the happiest moment in your life to build on and make up situations that you wish would've happened. Instead of dealing with the loss of that moment, you daydream a whole beautifully different and perfect universe. But when you come down, you remember that it was all only a simulation. You drink and remember every single one of your biggest regrets. You flash back to the moments and people that you regret and wished never came into your life. You start to make up this fantasy that you're making amends and solving all of the issues. But once you wake up from your alcohol influenced slumber the next day, you're reminded that the conflict is still there. Everything is solved when you are intoxicated by any substance and you experience relief and happiness. It's a whole different world that you wished you lived in. But you don't. So, can we really blame the stoners for chasing happiness with a little help from smoke? Can we really blame alcoholics for trying to deal with their issues with a little help from their liquid courage? Yes, sometimes it goes south, but there's no such thing as perfect. Maybe the drugs that are taking lives and the alcohol that is poisoning our bodies are just bringing us to a whole other world. A better world that better suits them. They call it being drunk, but maybe it just shows us where we're going next. Once we get a taste of it we crave more and more, and then once we've seen too much of it we pass on and finally get to live it. Have you ever thought that just maybe, we could be wrong? Because they preach that sex is bad, but it creates human life. They swear that taking risks is way to dangerous. But do you really want to live your life always following the rules? Do you really want to walk in a straight line and never stop to look at your surroundings and see what they have to offer? Just think about it.

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