Ch. 9 ♡

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I woke up in the middle of the night. My stomach hurt and I couldn't breath– was I dying?


My sister Audrey ran into the room and saw me crying. She went to get my parents and soon they came back. My dad picked me up and ran to the car. Everything seemed like a blur, but there was a piercing pain throughout my body and I started to throw up. My dad was holding my hand, yet I didn't feel. There wasn't the strength to do anything– I couldn't even breath on my own.

"HELP! Help my daughter!"

I was strapped onto something and was pushed into a cold room. They put an oxygen tank on me and gathered above me. My eyes felt tired, I had no energy to keep them up.

If I died today, what would happen to Cameron? What would he do?

"She needs to wake up soon, or else.."

My eyes opened slowly, the lights were bright and I couldn't adjust them properly. I stood up, I felt the same. No pain. I looked around and saw that I was still in the hospital. There were two men standing infront of my door.

"She'll wake up. We can't just give up on her."

"I'm just saying.. If she doesn't we have no choice."

I stepped back. Were they talking about me? Maybe they weren't. I was already awake and they're talking about someone trying to wake up. I opened the door and walked outside. The halls were filled with patients walking around, nurses rushing from room to room, and people leaving in tears. I walked to the 300 section of the hospital. I looked through the little windows and so many people suffering. This is a hell hole.

I stopped at room 307. My stomach sank and I dropped to my knees and my eyes began to water. I felt empty again. I got back up and touched the metal sign on the wall.

In the memory of the loved, Julia Claire Hood.

"Julia.." I whispered to myself. I broke down in the middle of the halway. Crying my eyes out, reacting the same way as I did when I found out she passed.

"Julia, I miss you so much," I talked to the door in front of me. It was the only way I could feel like I'm talking to her. I wiped my face and sighed, I would do anything, anything, to be with Julia.

"Missed me?"

I turned around and saw her. Julia? Julia, my bestfriend. Her black long hair was the same, her brown eyes were glowing, and she still wore the necklace I gave to her in the third grade. I walked up to her and touched her face, was this real?

"Hi Alexia," She giggled and hugged me. I cried out of happiness and hugged her back. She was the only one that called me Alexia because I let her. She pulled away and stroked my cheek.

"You've grown up so much Alexia," A tear slipped down her face. I laughed and grabbed her hand, it felt ice cold.

"Where have you been?"

"I've been here all along. I've always been. I never left," Julia smiled. I let go of her hand, what is happening?

"Yes. Yes–"

"I killed myself, that's true. But I always stayed with you. It may have seemed like I left, but I'm here."

I didn't know what she was saying. I didn't care though, I was finally with her.

"You never said goodbye.."

"Goodbyes means leaving, and I didn't," Julia hugged me again. Everything felt so real.

"Why are you here now?" I need to stop asking so many questions.

"You said you wanted me here, so I came. You said you would do anything to be with me, so be it," Julia held out her hand.

I took it. Once again, ice cold. She led me outside the hospital, I looked around and I saw Cameron.

What is he doing?

I let go of Julia's hand and followed Cameron. He was in my hospital room.

With me.

I covered my mouth in surprise. What the hell is happening?

Cameron took my lifeless hands and looked at me, at my body, and started crying. I stood behind him.

"Alex, please don't leave me. You're all I have, I can't imagine I world without you, I can't live without you," Cameron cried.


"Alex. I love you, I will still love you, nothing is going to tear us apart. Not even death, but I want you back with me. Back here," Cameron pleaded. "Alexia Celest Abernathy, if this is our final goodbye.. I'm going to be honest. I'm not ready. I'm not ready to give up this soon."

I placed my hand on Cam's shoulder, but it went through. I looked at my hand in horror.

I'm not alive.

I'm just a simple spirit roaming around. I turned around and saw Julia with frown on her face. It was an in between world with heaven and reality.

"You're not coming back with me, are you?" Julia looked down at her feet.

"I can't. My life isn't over yet."

"It's okay," Julia gently grabbed my hand and led me into the 500 area of the hospital.

We stopped infront of a door with a metal sign on it like Julia's door.

In the loving memory of Calum Thomas.

I remembered Calum, he wasn't really a loud kid, but he wasn't really a quiet kid either.

"I met him and we started talking. One day, Calum wanted to take me somewhere, but he didn't tell me where. We were crossing the street, and Calum was being his dumb self and not looking both ways. It happened in a flash. I saw Calum laying there, and the driver calling 911. I couldn't believe what was happening, I didn't want to. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I remember one day, I didn't want to live this life anymore. I didn't want to be alive if I wasn't happy. Isn't that the purpose of life? Being happy? I wanted to be with Calum, so I did. My last thoughts.. My last thoughts were you. How stupid how I was to leave my only friend. How stupid I was for not asking for help. That's why I wanted you to come with me. So I could be happy."

I wanted to stay with her. But I couldn't leave Cameron.

"I don't want you stay with me. I want you to go. Go live your life, fall in love, have a family, be happy. I just want you happy Alexia. I want to see you love your life."

"I'll miss you."

Julia smiled and let my hand go. I ran back to my hospital room and saw that Cameron was still there, holding a rose and my hand. I sat down next to myself.

How do I get back?

𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚜 | 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍Where stories live. Discover now