Ch. 11 ♡

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"Cameron.. Cameron wake up..."

I woke up to Alex's face. I sighed, today was day of my mom's funeral. She helped me get dressed, combing my hair, shaving my face, picking out which suit.

"She isn't gone. She'll always be here. You just can't see her," Alex took my hand. Tears started to form in my eyes, I never thought this day would come so soon.

All of the sudden she started to shake my shoulders, "Cameron. Cameron. Cameron. Cameron!" She kept repeating. I looked at her confused, what is hapenning?

I woke up and saw my mom shaking me, it was just a dream.

"Today is the day."

I didn't get up right away. I didn't want to. I couldn't, but I had to. If I died, Alex would be there. I went to shower and prepare for the funeral. My mom helped me get ready, like Alex did in my dream. Or nightmare, I should say. Before we left I grabbed a note from my desktop, it was a letter for Alex. I've been working on it all night and day, I crumpled up over 100 papers and ended up just making one.

Sierra opened the door for me and I sat down next to her in the back of the car. I felt my eyes tearing up, and a lump forming in my throat. Out of all people, why Alex? Why did Alex have to die?

My mom parked and Sierra and her got out of the car. I stayed inside, thinking. This was too much to handle.

Someone pounded on my window, making me jump. I looked up to see Nash and the rest of the boys in black suits. I got out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

"What are you guys doing here? You guys didn't even know Alex until I told you!" I yelled at them, why do they all of the sudden care? Nash put his hands up.

"We wanted to support you, to support Alex. I know we didn't appreciate her as much as you did, but you can't tell us not to care about someone or not," Shawn said. I sighed, he was right. We walked to ahead, some people were already there, but not a lot. The boys walked further as I stood a few feet away.

I felt someone tapped my shoulder, I turned and saw a boy with a lip piercing with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Are you.. Cameron?" He asked, he sounded british. Is he? I don't know, why is he even talking to me.

"Yes. I am. Who are you?"

"I'm Luke Hemmings. I'm a friend of Calum, who was the boyfriend of Julia, who was a friend of Alex. I just wanted to introduce myself to you," Luke explained. "I know that it's hard to accept that someone you love is gone, but you have to understand that if they care and love about you, they would want the best for you."

I didn't know why Luke told me, but I'm glad he did. I needed that. Two other boys stood behind him, with their hands folded and their eyes focused on the ground.

"Who is Calum?" I asked, I didn't mean to be rude, I was curious. Alex already told me about Julia, but nothing about someone named Calum. The two boys looked up and looked at each other.

Luke cleared his throat and sighed. "Calum.. Was a really close friend of ours. He moved here to the states because of his family, but back at home we were a band. We wanted to meet up again in high school. But– but..."

"He got in an accident, with Julia. He was crossing the street and being the excited kid he is, he ran ahead without looking and a car hit him. He was in the hospital for months. He was in a coma. The doctors said it was no use, he couldn't wake up. They pulled his plug," The guy with red hair continued.

"He would've been awake. He would've been alive if they just waited a few more days. They were so stupid!" The other guy with long hair yelled.

Now I understood, I understood what they were going though. We all made our way to our seats, I sat in the front. I wanted to be the closest to Alex. I sat next to her mom, her sister, and her brother. Her mom was holding a box of tissues, crying. Her sister was comforting her mom, and her brother was holding onto a paper tightly.

A priest came up and started talking. I didn't pay attention to him, I started thinking of Alex's diary. I haven't touched it since the hospital. It was ontop of my desk, collecting dust. Should I read it? They were all indirected to me anyways..

Mrs. Abernathy went up to announce her eulogy, hers was about the past, how she would take it all back. Audrey was next, hers wasn't as long as her mom's, but she's a young girl. She doesn't know what to say. Adrian went up next, taking the mic from the stand and unfolded the paper he was protecting.

"Alex was the best person ever. She didn't leave you or give up on you when you wanted to. I remember when I was so angry that I wanted to run away. Alex said she would run away with me, even though she couldn't run for long before collapsing. She said that if I left, she would have to leave to. Alex was always there for me when my parents weren't– if my mom was at work and wouldn't read me a story, Alex would, even if my dad would get mad at her. Alex would always comfort me whenever I got bullied or pushed around. She wasn't just my sister.. she was my bestfriend. When I heard my mom and dad talking about her, I knew something was wrong. I went to ask Alex herself, but she told me not to worry. I asked Audrey and she told me–without stuttering– that Alex was going to die. I had to be a big boy, like Alex told me, and accept the truth. I started taking care of Alex, like she took care of me. At the hospital, when everyone was crying that she was gone, I knew she wasn't. I was still sad though, that my bestfriend was gone and I couldn't see her again. But before Alex went to the hospital, she told me that there are people that watch over you. And the people are the ones that love you. Alex knew she was going to be one of them. I know she is still here. I know that Alex didn't leave, like she promised me. I'm glad she is my sister, I'm glad I have her. Even if I only got to spent a little time with her."

Adrian folded his letter and placed it in the coffin. He sat down and wiped his eyes. I hugged him. I had my eulogy ready, but I didn't want to say it in front of everyone. I was going to wait until she was burried and come here privately and read it to her. It was too personal, even if it wasn't that long.

We gathered around the coffin. I looked around and saw everyone holding a white rose that symbolized death. After Alex's coffin was placed, they threw the roses inside, then everyone started to make their way back home. I waited until they all left, then I took out a red rose and threw it inside.

The rose stood out from the rest. Just like Adrian said;

I know Alex is still here.

𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚜 | 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍Where stories live. Discover now