Chapter 3 - Hate at first sight

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I have nothing to say, but comment, vote, and most of all, enjoy the chapter!

Third person POV

"Yawwn, it's already morning.." said Pacifica, shaking Gideon.

"C'mon. Yawn, I'm not gonna shake you all da-....."

Pacifica laid on Gideon, falling asleep.
It was 5 AM but Bud wanted them to wake up early today for some reason.

After a couple of minutes, he apparently noticed that the kids didn't wake up yet, so the door opened with a loud 'bam'

"KIDS! Y'all still sleeping, eh? WAKE UP BEFORE I MAKE YOU" Bud yelled at the two.

"Huh?!" Pacifica suddenly stood up, thought Gideon didn't. He was still asleep.

"GIDEON WAKE UP NOW" shouted Bud, again.

"What the hell?! Who yelled?!" Gideon suddenly stood up, just like Pacifica.

"Great! Now, kids, you shall now begin your beautiful lovely work!"

"What?- this early in the morning?" Pacifica answered, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Yes! Because one of our workers, decided willingly, that they were going to the tent of telepathy, to find what the Gleeful twins did that we have less and less costumers each day!"
He said, walking down the stairs beside the two sleepy teens.

"The Gleeful twins?" Pacifica repeated.

Gideon made a disguised face.

"You're saying you know nothing about the twins?"

Bud shut the door behind him, with the same loud 'bam'.

A confused Pacifica shook her head.

"They are the most arrogant, the most rude, the most disgusting people you will ever meet!" Gideon said, waving his hands in the air.

"Mm.. Mkay." Pacifica mumbled, standing up.

Gideon did the same and they walked towards the door and down the stairs.

"I know, you hate them already, I get you. Let's go to the diner, you've never been there, haven't you?"

Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"Don't we have work? Bud woke us up to start the shift."

"Ughhh. Yes you're right we do,
We'll go after, deal?" said Gideon, walking to the counter.

"Sure" she answered.

~After hours of working extra shifts~

"I'm soo tired!" yawned Pacifica.

"Me too, so glad that our double shift is over" Gideon said, sipping soda. "Let's go, we got some time to go to the diner, it's only five," 

"Mkay" Pacifica replied, taking the keys with her as she approaches the door.

They walked down the streets, untill they reached the diner.

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