Chapter 8 - Princess

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I'm pretty sure about two weeks past, and Dipper and Wendy are kinda still dating? I don't know- whenever I try to talk to her about their relationship, she just answers with "It's complicated."

Me and Gideon were going on adventures constantly, the most recent adventure we had was the mission to find the glowing gems, which could make you any height you want. And by any height, I mean any height

Dipper and Mabel have been doing shows, and me and Gideon have been noticing some strange things..
The journal that I had, the one with the hand that had six fingers, well they have the first and  second journals.

They surely know more about Reverse Falls than I do, but how did they find them? What are they planning? I have to find out. Whatever the costs are, I'll unravel the mysteries that are hidden behind the Gleeful Manor.

Two weeks past, and I'm not waiting another two. 

"Gideon!" I called out to him, trying to open the door.

I was standing in front of our room, holding the journal in my hands.

I heard a muffled voice, but I didn't get anything.

"Ugh! Gideon!" I shouted, again.

And another muffled reply.

"GiDeOn!" I pounded on the door.

"Jesus! Can you be any louder Pacifica!" Gideon rolled his eyes, finally opening the door.

"What took you so long to open the door?" I stepped inside the room.

"Um, I was changing. By the way, how do you like my new shirt?"

"Yeah, cool" I answered, not looking at the shirt.

Like- c'mon it's probably the same shirt like the other fifty he has, and the only difference is that on one shirt the stripe is on the right, and on the second it's on the left.

Gideon rolled his eyes and began-

"Why were you so impatient though?"

"Thought you'd never ask!-

we're going on another adventure!" I said excitengly.

"Adventure? But can we take a break for once- we still have two months left and we're eventually going to run out of ideas on adventures." he sighed.

"And that's the thing! We're gonna run out, so.. we're going to get the other two journals!" I said, starting to pack my backpack.

"Other two? we're gonna steal from the twins?!" he said shockingly.

"Not steal, borrow" I corrected.

"We're going to give them back once we go on each one of those adventures that the journals have for us!"

"But still! We're talking about the Gleefuls here. They're going to eat us alive if they find ou-" Gideon began,

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