Chapter 6 - Fall spice cordial

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~When Pacifica went to find the light switch..~


Why can't I just leave? Oh yeah, because of that Candy girl. If she wasn't Mabel's minion, I would just leave her here with Southeast. That would be fun..

She'll rip her throat, I'm sure, and Mabel will bug me after.

Ugh. My life is too difficult.

I'll just teleport outside and tell them that Pacifica went home or something, I'm not staying with that annoying nuisance another minute.

And, I'll take that hint- too.


First thing that I saw when I teleported back outside was Candy scolding the pale boy Gideon for some reason.

"Pacifica went home after the quest" I interrupted, smirking.

"She left? I guess I'll go too...." He said, praying that he might get out of this without Candy's scolding.

He then ran to the path that lead to where he lived, and without even knowing, he was the one leaving her.

"Dipper! Finally, aw I was so sad that you left with that hippie, I'm really sorry, next time, our date will be perfect, I promise!" she said, her smile reaching her dark green glasses

If I could strangle her I would. This idiotic skunk.

"Dipper, I think we should go home, you look really tired, babe" she said, hugging my arm tightly. 

I roll my eyes and pushed her off me,

"You know.. I bought a new bikini for the summer.. And I thought that maybe you could join me on a swim tommorow," she said.

I tried to hold myself from laughing.  I'm going to kill Mabel if she tries setting her up with me again, it's just pathetic.

"Candy, I'm quite busy tommorow. We'll talk about that- later." 

I waited for the driver to pick me and Candy up, in a couple of minutes he eventually did, and I went home, leaving Candy at her house.


"Brother dear!" Mabel sang, opening the door with her amulet.

"I'm going out, tell Stan that I'll be home by..." she checked her silver watch,

"by 3 AM," she said, grabbing her purse, getting ready to head out of the room again.

"Mabel, you're going to that club again, aren't you." I said, not taking my eyes of the journal, clicking the pen I held in my other hand.

Mabel just rolled her eyes and turned to the door.

"If anybody sees you drinking, you know yourself that our carrier will be over." I said, coldly.

"Dipper, I know how to control myself. Now, would you stop acting like a bitchy overprotective mother, and let me enjoy myself" she said, this time actually walking out of the room.

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