chapter five

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C H A P T E R  F I V E

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AUDREY WAS MAKING HER WAY out of the festival with Agent Whiskey and a torn Eggsy in tow. Eggsy revealed his dilemma and argument with Tilde to Audrey. He then voiced his fear that it might have caused the end of their relationship.

"Don't worry. She'll come around I know it, Eggsy," Audrey comforted Eggsy as they walked behind Whiskey. "Tilde loves you a lot, and she wouldn't let you go just like that. Besides if you need it, I can talk to her for you."

As they headed to the exit, Audrey took a look around her and realized the festival was still far from over. People continued to stream in to see their favorite artists perform.

"How about I grab you a beer before we go? I'll meet up with you two at the entrance." Audrey suggested, stopping in her tracks and looking over at the two men with her.

"How about I go with you? Eggsy, take some time for yourself. Here's are the keys to the car. Why don't you pull it up to the exit and wait for us there?" Whiskey pulled the keys from his pocket and tossed them to Eggsy.

Eggsy gave them a curt nod of agreement and walked off alone. Audrey's heart ached for him knowing he was still in his head about his situation with Tilde. Once Eggsy disappeared in the crowd, Whiskey and Audrey walked in the direction towards the food stands.

"You didn't have to come. I would've been fine on my own. I'm more than capable of handling myself and you know that." Audrey mentioned to Whiskey as they neared the food stands.

"I know, I know, but I just wanted to grab a drink for myself before we head back." Whiskey replied, coking up with the excuse on the spot as he walked beside Audrey.

"I'm starting to think this isn't about getting another drink, Agent Whiskey. I believe you like spending time with me. You won't admit it, because you've got a massive ego and don't even try to deny it." Audrey said in return which earned a surprised look from the man beside her as they once again stood in the same line they did earlier for beer. "It wasn't hard to figure you out considering I've dealt with men like you almost my entire life."

"Okay then. What else have figured out about me then, Audrey?" Whiskey asked with a curious tone in his voice.

"I told you my real name and you haven't told me yours which means you're a reserved person. You've got walls I probably have to climb over so I can get to know you. It's also could mean that you don't trust me," Audrey responded as she turned to look at Whiskey. "Don't worry. That trust issue is just an occupational hazard. I get it. On a lighter note, I'm getting real tired of only having to call you Agent Whiskey, and it's not fair considering you know my name."

Whiskey glanced over at Audrey who was was now looking ahead towards the food stand. Her arms sat crossed in front of her chest and Whiskey then acknowledged she was getting frustrated about the wait. Once again, he found himself drinking in the sight of Audrey from beside her. He noticed she was a little shorter than him than he first expected when he met her in the conference room. Of course, he was sitting down, and she was standing plus they had met via hologram. She was small enough that Whiskey could place his chin on top of her head with ease if he wanted to. He realized Audrey was the perfect type of short, a feature she had similar to a person that now only existed in his memories.

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