chapter nineteen

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*** audrey's suit above! if you can't see it i'll post the picture at the end of the chapter! ( one more chapter until the epilogue 😔 )

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*** audrey's suit above! if you can't see it i'll post the picture at the end of the chapter!
( one more chapter until the epilogue 😔 )


WHISKEY HAD TAKEN THEIR FASTEST FIGHTER JET SO AUDREY WAS LEFT WITH THE SECOND BEST. She didn't mind as she was nearing the location Ginger had last of the jet Eggsy and the other men took. When the jet landed, Audrey thanked the pilot that was with her and watched him take off back to Statesman HQ.

She strutted over to the jet and climbed up the stairs to find it empty. Audrey tugged at the collar of her suit jacket and realized how hot it actually was in Cambodia. After tugging out her glasses, she slipped them on and communicated with Ginger.

"Do you have their exact location now?" Audrey questioned the tech wiz.

"Yeah, head straight. You'll head right towards them. Be careful though because the place is covered in land mines." Ginger advised as Audrey thanked her before making her way towards the men's location.

As Audrey headed closer towards the tree line, she could tell where Eggsy and them cut down some of the shrubs to make a clear path. Audrey followed the somewhat clear path and found the clearing where Poppy had been hiding out. She could hear the automatic gunfire for miles and still heard gunfire as she arrived to the entrance of Poppy Land. The large metals doors were shut closed and Audrey cursed to herself before she pulled out a baseball from the plane. Placing it right in front of the doors after activating it, she ran back into the trees before the explosion went off and the doors went flying. The explosion not only took out the doors, but it took out the robot about to attack Harry and Eggsy.

"Well that was good timing." Eggsy said to Audrey as she approached them once robot parts were falling from the sky. "Nice suit, what took you so bloody long?"

"Harry was right." Audrey stated and Eggsy looked confused.

"About?" Eggsy questioned as he reloaded his gun and Harry picking up another automatic weapon.

"About Whiskey. He knocked me out in the elevator when I had gone back. That's why I didn't return. He explained to me he has been selling classified intel from Statesman to people working against us for money." Audrey explained as she pulled out her own gun, making sure it was fully loaded.

"Fucking hell." Eggsy muttered to himself and Audrey could tell he was pissed.

"He's here already and I know it. The fact he hasn't approached you guys yet is good. He's lost the element of surprise on us and now we've got it. Remember he is not on our side. He never was." Audrey says as they begin to approach the diner.

Eggsy walked in before Audrey and Harry had, shooting at Charlie as he was running out the back with the case they needed. The one and only Poppy was left in the diner and Audrey had aimed her gun at her.

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