chapter eighteen

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C H A P T E R   E I G H T E E N

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"YOU TWO ARE FUCKING IDIOTS!" Eggsy screamed at Harry and Audrey over the sound the gunfire. "You guys are out of control!"

"If we had made it out of here, he would have killed the three of us!" Audrey argued, screaming back her response.

Audrey had given her reasoning to shoot Whiskey and Harry agreed with her. Whiskey had purposely knocked the antidote out of his hand.

Harry pulled out a bottle of cologne from his bag and Audrey knew that it wasn't just a cologne bottle. As Harry shook it, the clear liquid inside turned blue. The gunfire had gotten heavier as the troopers approached the cabin. Once Harry deemed they were close enough, he threw the bottle out the window and it exploded on impact with the ground. The three waited for a few minutes as silence finally filled the air besides the sound of their heavy panting. Audrey and Eggsy then stood up, looking out the window and deeming the area clear before holstering their guns. Eggsy turned to Audrey and Harry, glaring at the two.

"This does not mean you two are off the fucking hook!" He yells as he makes his way over to Whiskey body to apply the Alpha Gel.

"We need to leave him here and go dark, Eggsy." Audrey suggests as she watches him from a distant, not wanting him to further blow up on her and Eggsy. "You know there's a mole in Statesman and I know you have respect for Whiskey, but it's more than likely him."

Audrey was internally kicking herself. If she hadn't been to busy faking head over heels for the cowboy, she would've put all the pieces together. What made it even worse was that Harry, despite still being unstable from regaining his memories, figured it out before either of them could.

"This is all my fault." Eggsy mutters to himself while applying the Alpha Gel before turning to look at the other two agents. "You weren't ready for the field, Harry, yet I pushed for it and so did Audrey."

"He showed us his true colors, Eggsy. You really think he'd let us live?" Harry responded as he stepped closer to Eggsy. "I saved the three of us."

"Saved us? Tell that to fucking Whiskey!" Eggsy snaps as he stands up and moves towards the door. "You two are fucking unbelievable!"

Eggsy storms outside and the other two follow as they then assess the damage of the explosion. Eggsy notifies Merlin that Whiskey had been shot from falling into crossfire and that he was going to retrieve more samples of the antidote. As those words barely left his mouth, a distant sound of an explosion erupted into their quiet surrounding and the three agents turned to the mountain. The lab had exploded and all the antidotes they could've retrieved were gone. Eggsy swears under his breath before giving a name and location to Merlin to look into. The three then grab Whiskey's body and Harry's bag to head back to Statesman HQ.


"HE LOOKS GREAT." Ginger states as Merlin nods and head out of the room to where Eggsy, Harry, and Audrey were waiting out in the hall.

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