chapter sixteen

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( pedro pascal who? agent whiskey who? this is an eggsy fan fiction now 😼 btw i promise shits gonna happen and this book is gonna come to an end soon )

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( pedro pascal who? agent whiskey who? this is an eggsy fan fiction now 😼 btw i promise shits gonna happen and this book is gonna come to an end soon )


IT TOOK ONE DAY IN NEW YORK FOR AUDREY TO REALIZE SHE HATED IT THERE. It seemed that every time she got on a subway train someone in the car she was riding in was clipping their toenails. The mere thought of the action made bile rise up in the back of her throat.

Audrey had been in New York City the past two weeks and had cleared almost everyone who worked at the field office building there. She was in a cab heading back to her hotel when her cell began to ring. Picking it up, she recognized the number belonging to Harry and hurriedly answered before her voicemail did.

"Harry, hi." She answered the phone on the fourth ring, greeting her friend. "What's up?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing." He replied while Audrey could hear the loud sound of Eggsy's laughter come through the receiver and it brought a sad smile to her face. She missed her boys.

"I'm good. I'm heading back to the hotel. My flight is going to leave tomorrow to Washington D.C. so I can check out the field officer there. Maybe you should fly up and help me out." Audrey stepped out of her cab, holding the phone between her ear and shoulder. She handed the driver a hundred dollar bill before making her way into the hotel. "Harry? You still there?"

Audrey trailed off as she heard other voices coming through the phone and she hurried inside to get out of the busy street to hear better. As she walked through the lobby to the elevator, she pressed a finger to her other ear and heard Whiskey speak.

"Now, is that any way to welcome a visitor from out of town, moonshine?" Whiskey's voice came through clearer once Audrey walked into the elevator.

"Harry! God damn it answer me Harry!" Audrey yelled into her phone, but the sound of fighting erupted and she sighed.

She had been gone for a few days and the men of course had to go and get in trouble with her not around to say anything. The sound of fighting had gone on for another minute or two before Harry's voice filled the elevator.

"Audrey, you have to see this. Do you have you're glasses?" He had asked through the phone and Audrey took it off speaker, pressing her phone back to her ear.

"Always." Audrey responded and she tapped the side of her glasses which immediately brought up the feed Harry was streaming from his glasses.

When the feed was brought up, Harry was looking at the television in the bar they had been to too many times to count. A jingle played before a beautiful red headed lady appeared on the screen.

"Mr. President, my name is Poppy Adams." The woman on the T.V introduced herself. "I believe the UN has no teeth so I've selected you, as leader of the free world, to receive this message and I invite you to begin negotiations on the largest scale hostage situation in history. A few weeks ago, an engineered virus was released contained in all varieties of my products: cannabis, cocaine, heroine, opium, ecstasy, and crystal meth. Some of you are already infected and this is what you can expect in the coming days. After a brief incubation period, victims present stage one symptoms: a blue rash."

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