chapter fifteen

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C H A P T E R  F I F T E E N

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HIS HEART SANK. Whiskey had thought Audrey was past her ex's death and maybe was ready to start something new with him. Of course it would be hard considering their current occupations, but still he had that thought in his head. Maybe he wasn't one to judge, but he knew for sure his sweetheart was gone and that he would always remember her as his first love. What happened to him was many years ago and for Audrey her situation seemed a little more recent than Whiskey's. The mere thought, though, that Audrey maybe wasn't actually ready to try anything with Whiskey crushed him and what she had admitted to Merlin and Harry in the corridor broke him. Maybe he rushed her? Whiskey took time to dwell on that fact. He pursued her since the minute she got to Statesman and she refused to open up for a long time. It took a lot of waiting and then she finally gave in. He pushed and pushed to get her to open up and maybe in order to get him to back off she gave him what he wanted. Audrey wouldn't do that though, Whiskey thought to himself. Whatever was the cause, he felt heart broken. He was lied to and led on, but so were many other women before Audrey by Whiskey himself. It was karma for what he's done to other woman. Whiskey would have to accept that, but it was going to take a while because he truly believed he and Audrey would be able to do something they both always wanted to do which was have a normal life.

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SHE FELT IGNORED. Audrey was being ignored by Whiskey. He avoided her every second of the day ever since yesterday morning. She already felt upset Champ had turned down her request for permission to attend the Amsterdam mission, but now Whiskey was gone and she knew he was avoiding her. It was too much for her and she was getting trapped in her head.

"Hungry?" Ginger had asked Audrey in her way out of the lab for the night. It had been a whole week and nothing from Whiskey- not even a phone call or a text.

"Huh?" Audrey snapped back to reality and Ginger frowned knowing something was up with the agent.

"I asked if you were hungry. We can go get dinner. I'm sure a milkshake at Judy's will do some good for you." Ginger replied as she shrugged on her coat and grabbed her purse. "C'mon, I'll buy."

"Well since you're kindly offering to buy, yes." Audrey gave Ginger a small smile and got up from her seat, shrugging in her own coat.

As they made their way to the diner, Audrey realized she never really talked much to Ginger. The two skillful woman never really had time to actually talk. Of course at work the two chatted about work, but it wasn't actually them getting to know each other at all. With just the short time they were at the diner, Audrey began to realize that Ginger had an absolute amazing personality and an inviting energy about her.

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