chapter nine

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AUDREY GROANED OUT AS SHE rolled over in her bed. Memories of that early morning rushed back to her as a massive headache greeted her. She cursed to herself as she placed a pillow over her head. That's when she heard a knock at her bedroom door and listened to it open.

"Hey...I heard some noise from here and thought you had finally woken up." Whiskey stood at the doorway still in his pajamas, but was still missing a shirt similar to as he was earlier.

Audrey resisted the urge to look at his bare, broad chest. Instead, she kept her eyes locked with his. She sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard.

"Yeah, I'm up, unfortunately." She grumbled out as she continued to sit in bed. Audrey showed no effort of getting out of her headache as it continued to throb at her temples. "What time is it?"

"Around 11:30 last I checked." He answered as he leaned against the door frame and crossed his toned arms in front of his chest. "You missed the briefing we had."

"Fuck," Audrey swore aloud. She ran her hands down her face with a sigh. "What did they say?"

"Not much," Whiskey answered as he took a step into her bedroom. "Just confirmation that Charlie has arrived and a copy of the blueprints of the museum where the gala will happen."

Audrey tossed the covers off her body and climbed out of bed. She moved towards her suitcase to search for her bottle of painkillers.

"Thanks. I'll look over the blueprints later. I'm just going to take a shower," Audrey moved past him, but Whiskey caught her by her wrist.

"Are you okay?" Whiskey asked with some concern. Audrey looked at him then at his hand on her wrist before pulling her wrist out of his grip. "I mean you were crying earlier and I know Harry leaving isn't easy, but I just wanted to make sure you can stay focused. Everyone back at HQ is depending on us getting this mission done."

"I'm fine," Audrey replied as she couldn't tear her eyes off Whiskey's face. He was had a stern look on, but behind that she could tell her was a bit concerned for her that ultimately surprised Audrey. She didn't think the man could care about anyone else but himself. "Now excuse me I'm going to get a drink of water and hop in the shower."

She stepped around Whiskey and moved towards the kitchen. Audrey got herself a glass of water to swallow down her ibuprofen. As she was finishing her glass of water, she watched Whiskey disappear into his room. Audrey set her glass in the sink before she moved back into her room and grabbed the toiletries she needed to take a shower.

Once Audrey was in, she slammed the door shut behind her. Audrey slumped against the door and lifted her wrists to look at them. The indents from the rope were fading, but they were still there. They were a reminder of what Andre had said to her. Could he truly bring back together everything from her past life? Was Leo still alive? That second part was hard to believe. She buried him and cried over his dead corpse.

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