chapter twenty

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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y

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THE THREE WHIPPED AROUND TO find Andre and Lucas standing behind them, their guns aimed at them. Audrey swore under her breath as the three sat under the aim of their guns.

"You have some bloody nerve showing your damn faces." Audrey snaps to both the men.

"Well I can say it's nice to see your's again." Lucas directs towards Audrey as he and Andre begin to slowly walk closer to the trio.

"You don't get to say that fucking shit anymore to me." Audrey snaps back in return which causes Lucas to stop in his tracks. "You don't get to kill my son, cause so much distraught in me, and then fucking show up and compliment me. I'm not the same person as I was before and-"

"Neither am I." Lucas interrupts as he began to inch closer to Audrey once again. "What I did was selfish, Audrey. I regret doing what I did and I wish I had come to you sooner to-"

"Stop. Both of you stop or I swear to God I will blow both of your brains of out your fucking skulls." Audrey shouts as she steps closer to the two men. "I fucking knew your bullshit was too good to be true, Andre. You're not working against Poppy. You're working with her. Don't think I didn't doubt you for a fucking second because I did. Those men of yours you said that died? Those weren't your men. They were just some coke heads you picked off the street and mutilated their bodies just for show, just so you can keep up your little lie."

"Oh just shut the fuck up." Andre snaps as he begins firing his gun.

Harry jumped out of his seat and pulled Audrey to the ground. Audrey was pissed and she moved towards Andre. Harry and Eggsy then took on Lucas themselves. Audrey tackled Andre to the ground, the blow knocking the gun out of his hand. She was about to land a punch when Andre caught her hand and shoved her off him. Audrey stumbled back as Andre got up and she charged at him again. She dodged his first blow by ducking and whirled around to deliver a kick to his face. Andre groaned from the blow and Audrey reached for the gun on the ground, but drug cartel leader kicked her to the ground away from the gun. Audrey lunged for the gun once again, but Andre delivered a kick to her face. The agent fell back to the floor again as she felt blood begin to trickle down her nose and invade her mouth with its metallic taste.

"You're a fucking bitch." Andre spat out at her before knocking her back down to the ground as she tried to get up again.

Audrey let out a laugh after she had spat out blood. Andre moved to kick her once again, but Audrey caught his leg and pulled him down. She then began to crawl over to the gun, but was pulled back by her leg. Eggsy caught her struggle and kicked it over before getting back to his own fight with Lucas. Audrey grabbed the gun and shot Andre in the head which made the trip on her leg loosen.

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