chapter thirteen

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T E E N

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WHISKEY AND EGGSY CONTINUED TO pester Audrey about how she was feeling and what she had seen that bothered her so much. Whiskey described her face as white as a sheet, almost as if she saw a ghost. To be honest, she kind of did. She refused to believe Andre was right and that the man she thought she buried to rest was actually alive. Now there was no doubting it.

Audrey was now pacing outside of a diner that the rest of her Kingsman colleagues were going to meet her at. She kept glancing around her because of the earlier incident. Andre showing up with her ex-fiancé, Leo, and their goonies wasn't to just scare her. It was to also show that Statesman HQ wasn't untouchable and that she wasn't as safe as she thought she was. That right there scared her.

The agent began to worry when it had been over an half an hour since their meet up time. She was about to get into her car to leave when a car pulled into the parking space beside her. Audrey paused, waiting for someone to come out and grab her. Instead, she watched Eggsy and Harry climbed out.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. What took you two so bloody long?" She snapped at the two men in front of her as she moved to head back towards the entrance of the diner.

"We had to cover our fucking asses that's why," Eggsy began to explain, slamming the car door in irritation before the three headed into the diner. "We stopped at the bar I had went to the other day to leave my phone there. We had a drink to make sure we were seen before we snuck out to get here. Whiskey was getting wary so Merlin decided to stay and help cover us."

"Alright, well, what matters is that at least two of you are here now." Audrey said as they got seated at a booth and were handed menus.

The three British agents ordered their meals and drinks before Eggsy started to get impatient.

"So why was I dragged out here by Harry?" He questioned as he took a long sip of his water. "I'm not complaining about the free meal, but it's bloody fucking late and today's been a long day."

"It's 11pm. That's not late," Audrey responded before getting to the matter at hand. "I had something happen to me recently and I can't just keep it to myself any longer. It's something I have to share with you two because I trust you."

Audrey pulled out her new phone from her purse. She had ditched the last one she got in a canal on the way into town knowing Andre and Leo had most likely messed with it or tried to. The agent pulled up a few photos and handed her phone to Harry for him and Eggsy to scroll through them.

"When I was in Monte Carlo, I was kidnapped." Audrey began her story as she watched them look through the photos while twiddling her thumbs nervously. "Before I had joined Kingsman I was friends with a man named Andre. He was a regular rich boy drug dealer type of guy. You think he wouldn't get anywhere in life because of the drugs, but he did...sort of. I remember he died a little over a year or two after I had met him. I remember seeing him buried in the cemetery and watching his parents crying throughout the funeral. I thought I knew for sure that he was dead, but I was wrong. He faked his death to run his own drug cartel and it happens to be one of the largest cartels I have ever seen. This man owns businesses ranging from Dubai to Monte Carlo to Seoul to Tokyo."

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