chapter three

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C H A P T E R  T H R E Estatesman

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C H A P T E R  T H R E E

WHEN AUDREY AND THE OTHER TWO MEN woke up, they found themselves tied to chairs in an unknown white room. They all tried to break free from the ties at first, but stopped when the same man they fought earlier walked in.

"Good morning ladies," He said a little too loud for their liking since they were trying to recover from being unconscious. "See I've been thinking about y'all and I think your story is full of horse shit. Y'all are trying to cover up a failed rescue mission. You're here for the lepidopterist, huh?"

The three glanced at each other and exchanged confused looks. They then turned their attention back to the man in front of them.

"What the fucking hell is that?" Audrey blurted out her question as she glared at the American in front of her.

"So this bottle y'all are swearing by," the American ignored Audrey's question. He held up the bottle of whiskey in his hand. "Did it look like this?"

"For the bloody hundredth time, yes! It only looked older." Eggsy snapped back his reply.

The three were getting very frustrated as they were getting nowhere with the man in front of them. The American glanced between the trio and the bottle in his hand before moving closer to them.

"Let's see here. Do you know why the measurement of alcohol content in a drink is called "proof"? Well, it comes back from the old days when pirates wanted to test the strength of their rum. They used to pour a little on gunpowder and if it lit when they set it afire, they considered it proof."

As the American droned on about a pointless story, he doused the three in front of him with the whiskey from the bottle. The three spat out profanities at him as he did so, but he didn't seem to care.

"I don't got no gunpowder on me, but I do got a lighter. I'm sure y'all would make an impressive sound as I set your bodies on fire. If that doesn't sound good, y'all can tell me who the hell you work for and how you found us."

Audrey chuckled in irritation as she rolled her eyes before speaking, "For the last fucking time we don't have anything to protect but our honor. We've told you nothing but the truth."

"So you can take that cheap horse piss you call whiskey and go fuck yourself," Merlin added after Audrey. This caused Eggsy to laugh.

"What about you?" The American asked Eggsy who was still laughing.

"Me? Nah, I like my Jack and Coke. I do agree with the part that you go fuck yourself though." Eggsy replied which in turn earned a small chuckle from Audrey.

The American had lost his hold on the three and was now getting as irritated as he was before. "Fine then. Since y'all got nothing to protect but your honor, let's see when we switch things up."

American Boy (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now