Chapter 9

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Oretha wakes up to someone knocking at her door. She woke up from the deep slumber and looked around. It was 12 in the morning. Why was she being woken up? She opened the door ready to bash whoever was disturbing her sleep. It was her brother.

"Oliver," she yawned, "What's wrong? Why did you wake me up so late?"

"Mommy's calling you."

She frowned. Oliver looked just like her. His sleepy deep blue eyes and the messy brown hair indicated that he too was woken up from sleep.

"Why didn't she come to me?" Oretha asked, still confused.

"I went down after I heard some voices and mom said to call you. It sounds urgent." Oliver yawned.

Oretha sighed. "Ugh. Disturbing my sleep with bringing people over at night."

Oretha was about to close her door and go back to sleep thinking her mom was just playing with her along with her friends when Oliver loudly said,

"Oh, and Syd and Mae's there along with some other people."

That caught her attention. What would Sydney and Maeve be doing in her house? And why hadn't they come to her? Why were they down stairs with "other people"? That's when it clicked her. She dashed downstairs almost tripping. She knew exactly what was happening.

Oretha's house was small and cosy but beautiful. A wall in her living room had all sorts of achievements of her family. The chandelier made from glass, was dangling above them illuminating the room with golden light making the cream couches look grand.

On one couch sat Sydney and Maeve. Sydney was silently crying while covering her face. Maeve had her hand clutched to her chest as she prayed while tears flowed down her cheeks. They were still in their pyjamas and looked just like Oretha did. Miserable.

On the other were police officers. Oretha was certain of what happened. She was still confused. Maybe it was the little hope that was in her. Silently praying so that what she thought was wrong. She walked into the room with a frown. One of the officers looked up followed by the other.

"Ah," said one of the officers, "You must be miss Vaughn."

There were two officers. A man and a woman. The man looked around his thirties with a small eyeglass resting on the tip of his small nose barely covering his tired green eyes. His blonde hair slid to one side. The woman on the other hand looked young. Maybe in her late twenties. She had beautiful strawberry blonde hair softly curled to her shoulders and her light blue eyes looked more alert and alive.

"I prefer Oretha." She said, still frowning.

She took a seat beside her friends and looked at the officers for explanation.

"I am Officer Kelsey Johns," said the woman, " And this is Officer James Tan. You can call us Kelsey and Tan. Oretha. We have some news to share."

Oretha nodded, knowing exactly what they were about to say.

"Two of your friends were kidnapped last night."

That was a shock.

"Two?!" Oretha exclaimed.

"Officer please, I beg you," Oretha teared up, "We, beg you. You have to catch the culprit behind this, and fast. Before they strike again."

"We are trying our best," sighed Kelsey, "I am sorry to say that so far we have no leads, but we will let you know right away once we get one."

There was a pause before Tan started talking.

"We might have something that might be useful for you."

All three of them straightened up. By then Maeve and Sydney had gathered themselves up.

"Anything at all to catch them." Said Maeve boldly.

Officer Tan looked at Maeve suspiciously for a while. Then started speaking again.

"One of your friend was trying to tell the other one to escape. She called us and told us that her friend was going to get kidnapped. So we told her to tell her friend to keep her phone on so we can record the conversations on the other side."

He took out a device and pressed a button. The girls could hear the conversations of Skylee telling Teresa that she knew what she was doing and to listen to her. Then heard scuttling and a gunshot. The girls gasped at the sound of a gunshot while Maeve flinched slightly. Maeve looked up at Tan and caught him giving her a look. Maeve frowned. There was something off about that man that she couldn't quiet lay her finger on. Then she heard it.

"Oh shit! Is this still on?!"

Maeve straightened up. She knew that voice from somewhere. It was so familiar. She frowned deeper to concentrate. Her brain was failing her and she couldn't remember where she heard it.

"That's it?" Asked Sydney, when the recording was over.

"Yes, unfortunately that's all we could get." Said Tan.

"Did you check the place?" Oretha asked.

"Yes we did."


Kelsey took a deep breath. "We found a gun and... lots of blood."

"Did you check the gun and the blood?"

"Yes. The gun had fingerprints on it. It matched your friend's, Teresa Winston. So did the blood."

The girls sat up straighter.

"What are you saying?" Asked Maeve.

"That... uh," Stuttered Kelsey.

"She wouldn't." Maeve said firmly.

"And how would you be so sure miss Thaddeus?"

Maeve snapped her head towards Tan, and let out a dry laugh.

"Unlike you Tan I grew up with Teresa and I know exactly how she is. She wouldn't hurt a fly let alone kill herself. And I didn't have to keep eyeing her ever since we met to get to know what she is like. I know you suspect me officer. I've seen how you keep noticing my behaviour. Well let me tell you officer. I have a disrespectful side to unleash whenever I want, and you should really-"

If Oretha and Sydney hadn't stopped her, Maeve would've still kept firing at Tan. Everyone could tell that she was pissed off by that small question. Maeve was easily offended and was short tempered, so Sydney and Oretha wasn't too surprised. That didn't stop Kelsey and Tan from becoming uncomfortable. While Maeve got up to excuse herself and to cool off Oretha apologised and explained that Maeve was a little short tempered.

Kelsey gave Oretha a card and told her to contact her whenever they needed to and let the girls be for the night as it was late. But the girls knew that Maeve's outburst was the reason for their leave. After the officers left they gave Maeve a sympathetic look and hugged her. The only reason Maeve would've started a fight in this case was if she was really hurt. They knew she couldn't handle this situation well, after all, she was the youngest. She got all the love. And now she was grieving in her own way. Grieving the losses of her sisters.

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