Chapter 7

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She went to her backyard and sat on the swing that was installed by her mother a few moths ago.

She sat there when she was sad.

"What's wrong sweetheart? "Her mother asked.

Skylee looked beside her. Her mother was wearing a flowy white dress and her hair was elegantly done. Small glowing flowers were stuck in between her hair. Her face slightly glowed. Beside the glow and the flowers, that's how Skylee saw her last.

"Two of my friends got kidnapped," she replied, "And one is dead. "

She couldn't stop the tears from flowing. She couldn't feel her mother's hand on her shoulder.

"It's going to be alright." Her mother reassured.

"What if I am next? "

No reply.

She looked up. No one was there.

She sighed, "What am I doing?"

She took out her phone. She played Faith's video.

She sobbed as she heard Faith's message again.

"Hope you understand."

As the video ended, Skylee raised her head. Her face filled with understanding, shock and rage. She wiped away her tears and ran for the house.

She entered her house and locked her back door just incase.

She passed the kitchen while running towards the stairs to her room.

"I'll check the backyard daddy."

She froze.

Someone was upstairs.

She ran back to the kitchen and quickly but quietly took out a knife. She hid in one of the cupboards.

Someone came into view.

Could it be?

She tried to unlock the back door.

"Daddy it's locked," she said.

Then her face came into view.


Skylee was very angry, but she stayed quiet. She really wanted to get out and stab her friends' kidnapper.

"It's ok," mister Damian came into view, "We will just take Teresa."

Skylee's breath stopped.


They couldn't take Teresa. They got out of the house and Skylee ran upstairs to her bedroom.

She quickly dialed Teresa's number, knowing Teresa's house wasn't far enough and they would get to her in no time.

"Hello?" Spoke Teresa.

"Teresa? "

"Hey, Skylee what's up? "

"Get out of your house through the window! "

"What? "

"Get out Teresa! "

"Skylee did you take your medicine? Go get some sleep,"

"Teresa, trust me, get out right now! I know who the kidnapper is!"

"What?!" Asked Teresa in shock. "How?"

"Faith, she told us in the video but we didn't understand at that time. I rewatched the video."

Then Skylee heard a bell ringing in Teresa's house.

"I wonder who that could be?" Asked Teresa.

"NO!" Screamed Skylee. "Don't answer that!"



"Get some sleep Sky," sighed Teresa.

Teresa hung up.

"Oh god no," Skylee breathed.

Skylee quickly dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My friend is going to get kidnapped!!"

"Ok miss what is her address?"

"24th West lore Avenue, 5th building to the right."

"Ok miss, this is what I want you to do. Call your friend and tell her to stay on line. We will record what is going on."

"Okay," said Skylee, as she hung up.

She called Teresa and she picked up.

"Ok Teresa, listen to me carefully but don't say a word. Act like you hung up on me but keep me on line. For the last time Teresa, I know what I am doing and I have not gone crazy. Please just trust me on this."

"Ok," Teresa sighed, and Skylee heard the phone being kept.

"Sorry, that was a wrong number," said Teresa.

"That's alright," said the voice of mister Damian.

"Can I see your hand?" Asked Leah.

"Um ok, I guess,"

"Oh don't be weirded out, I just wanted to test my new knife out,"


Then Skylee heard a blood curdling scream. Then there was a little scuttling and a gunshot.

"Teresa!" Screamed Skylee.

"What the-?" Skylee heard someone approach the phone and Teresa screaming in the background.

Skylee heard Leah say, " That's Skylee,"

"Oh shit! Is this still on?"

"Yes it's on. You won't yet away with this. I called the police-" then she realized that 'Teresa' hung up on her.


Skylee knew that they were coming for her. She was so angry that she was ready for them.

She went to the kitchen and took out two big knifes. And sat in her living room.


After a while of waiting, someone rang her bell.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the door and opened it, ready to slice them to pieces when she froze.

There was Teresa, in Mister Damian's grasp, knife to her neck. Face carved with fear, her face was wet and her eyes red. She was pale and gasping for breath.

Then Skylee realised why.

One of her wrist was chopped off. Some flesh dangling from it as blood dripped on her porch.

She got so mad that she was about to slice mister Damian's throat.

But the last thing she saw was Leah running to her with a metal bar.

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