Chapter 10

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Teresa's POV

The pain in my hand was unbearable. Someone was wrapping a cloth around it and was speaking gently to me. The voice sounded familiar as it said,

"Hang in there, everything will be alright."

I opened my eyes and saw a scarred face as I looked up at Faith. She smiled at me and all her wounds moved as if they were wrinkles. She winced in pain and put her hands to her face, applying pressure to the wounds to decrease the pain.

"Faith?" I whispered.

She looked at me and smiled through her pain. We hugged and she cried over my shoulder. I let her cry. It was what I did best. Comfort. I let her regain her composure and took her face in my hands.

"What have they done to you?" I gasped.

Every inch of her face was covered in deep but small cuts. She let me take a look at her arms and legs. They were covered with the same cuts. I then remembered the video. The table with blades. That's when everything came back. Me heading home, me preparing food for myself, getting a suspicious call from Skylee, visitors, knife, gun, kidnap.

I looked down at my hand. The cloth wasn't helping. My blood was seeping through the cloth and dripping onto the ground. The pain was slowly increasing, but I didn't pay much attention to it. All I could think of was,

"Skylee?" I asked as I looked around, "Where is she?"

I got a good look around the place. It was a very cold room and it was dark. But the light coming from the door was enough to illuminate the whole room. I also saw two bodies lying in a corner. I looked at Faith for explanation. She just sighed and shook her head. I got up to head over to Skylee when i heard a bang on the door. The door was definitely made of steel. It was like bars in a prison. I could see a man on the other side of the door.

I was about to get up to go and beat him up and to check on Skylee, when Faith grabbed the back of my shirt preventing me from going forward. I looked at her and she shook her head.

The man, witnessing this, chuckled.

"That's right," he said, his voice sounded very familiar but I couldn't remember where I might've heard it, "Now you know what happens when you try to mess with me. You get what you deserve."

"When you're here, and as long as we are with you, you will behave, because what happens when you don't behave?"

He walked towards Faith as he asked.

I could hear Faith's breathing get heavier and faster. Was she scared? I looked at Faith. She sure was breathing heavily and pure fear was written on her face.

The man knelt down in front of us. And repeated his question is a deeper tone.

"We get punished," Faith said, her voice was raspy and low. She was taking her time when talking, as if it hurt while doing so.

"I can't hear you," he said as he put his hand behind his ear.

Faith put her effort in answering again and repeated a little louder than before.

"That's right," he said. He took out a blade and reached for Faith's hand when she retreated in fear. He smiled.

"Do you really want to get punished?"

A tear slipped out of Faith's eye. He reached for her hand again when she again retreated back in fear. He looked up, frustrated. He took something out of his pocket. It was a box. He held the box and threw the contents on Faith's face. She let out a blood curdling scream. He watched with a smile on his face.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Oh hello, I am sorry I was having too much fun with her that I completely forgot about you." He looked at my hand and grabbed it, increasing the pain in my hand. But I controlled my pain and didn't move a muscle in my face after wincing once. The adrenaline was by my side. I took a good look at his face. So Maeve was right all along. It was Mr. Damian. I put all my might in the punch I offered his face. He fell back in shock and Faith whimpered.

"No, no, no." She whispered.

He got up and roughly grabbed my hand. I screamed as my pain intensified as he started tightening his grip on my lacerated hand. The cloth unraveled from my hand as blood spurted out and I saw a few pieces of my flesh fall to the ground. I started feeling faint. He twisted my hand and threw me down. I knew he had broken my hand. I shuffled backwards.

He got up and started walking towards the door. He stopped by Skylee and kicked her head hard with his booted leg. She didn't budge.

"Guess it worked." He said. He locked the door on his way out.

Faith was still crying as I tried regaining my self.

"What did he mean?" I asked, "About Skylee?"

"He drugged her," she sniffled and sat up as she spoke. "While you were unconscious, he injected something into her. She hasn't moved since."

"What was it?" I asked. "What did he throw at you?"

She inhaled. I could hear her in pain as she spoke.


I nodded. I wanted to get up and help her but I couldn't help myself from passing out.

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