chapter 1

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The summer holiday ended so quickly , so fast that I literally thought we were still enjoying the holiday and woke up by seven on the first day of school .last night was so cool , i chatted with my friend till 12:am and binge watched Jane the Virgin till 4 :am slept by 4 and by 7 my annoying brother screamed at my face .
" Wake up couch potato you will make us late " he continued shouting . That's my brother he has always been fund of name calling ,I am either beam bag , fatso , frog face or couch potato , Alexa never came out of his mouth. " I'm up" I screamed but still did not leave the bed . He dragged me out of the bed and was about to strip me of my clothes and force me to the bath room because we were really late , pushing him away I got dress in my black and blue strip mini skirt , a plane white shirt and a black tie , and even skipped break fat aka the best part of my day, could this day get any worst. In a hurry I ran to the car where my brother was impatiently waiting for me.

"We're here " our driver said to us and we hopped down , it was already past nine and beginning of second period .
I walked into the classroom and the teaching immediately stopped , all eyes were on me and that made me feel uncomfortable ,Mr Daniel looked at me sternly and asked me to sit .

This was literally the worst comeback ever .

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