chapter 11

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    Both kehinde and I successfully ignored miracle for almost two weeks ,
It was really hard for me since I am in his class ,
He made many attempt to get us to listen to him , though I was tempted to but kehinde kept stopping him  .
Now the great threeo has been reduced to two .

  " I can't believe next week is test where has the the time gone" divine said .
We were at the cafeteria , no it's not lunch,
We were expected to be studying but kehinde insisted that she can't study on an empty stomach, the girl just had burgers like five minutes ago.
So here I am with my other friends Michelle, divine , and chichi .
" Come on , all we have been taught is really simple" Michelle the brains said
" For you miss A+"divine said  hitting the book on her head .
"That's not gonna help" kehinde said returning with five galas and a big cola .
" Oh thank God kehinde you brought snacks for us" chichi said stretching her hands to collect one of the galas but kehinde slapped it away, holding the snacks protectively .
" And who told you that , I did I'm stressed and hungry , this calms me down" she said pointing at the snacks .
"Oh sorry , I forgot what a foodie you are " chichi said receiving another slap from kehinde on her back.
"That hurts" she growled
"So kehinde are you done eating so we can go and read " I finally spoke
" So Alex you are here , I thought you most have moved to Mexico" divine sarcastically said.
"Well I was heading there but the test brought me back" I replied with sarcasm.

   We were heading to yeh library finally when Levi stopped me ,
I really was not in the mood to speak to anyone .
The girls cheered as they walked away leaving me with levi .
This is what I hate about secondary school, can't I have a life without drama?
" Can we talk?" He asked smirking , now I just feel disgusted that I ever liked this dude.
"Sure " I replied
"In the lab"
"In the lab?, Why not here"
" I just need privacy and I sure won't get that in that hall way "
I looked dat him like he had gone crazy,
" There is no one here"
"I just want to talk"
I finally gave in .
   Walking round the hall I realized how quiet it was , this school has never been this quiet , I guess the test must have done some damage to them.
  " Welcome to my love lab"
He said proudly
"Your what now?"
" Sorry our love lab"
Now this is just stupidity.
"Are you okay , maybe test fever ?"
I asked touching his forehead , when he didn't reply I removed my hand but he grabbed it quickly and Drew me near.
"Okay this is not some Bollywood movie okay , let me go" I said screaming the last part in hopes that someone will come , the look on his face changed , he didn't seem sweet and innocent any more ,
Was is what miracle was talking about .
  "You know I have been watching a lot of porn and I think it's time to practice all I have seen , practice makes perfect right?"
With a devilish smirk on his face .
Did I just hear him. Practice? Practice what .
After a moment it dawn to me . .
The expression on my face changed from confusion to suprise and then fear .
"So you finally figured it out"
He said till holding my hand tightly.
"No, you're crazy , let me go , I will never do that "
I said and forcefully released my hand but he got hold of it again .
" No you are not leaving "
He said , I was so angry that I didn't realise when I slapped him, hard so hard my hand was burning .
I turned to him and he seemed vicious .
Oh God what have I gotten myself into .
I was furiously crying and begging him has he grabbed my skirt about to rip it off when .....
All of a sudden Levi was on the floor .
I turned to see miracle who landed Levi a punch.
I froze as miracle spoke,
"Don't even think of laying a  finger on her again!! or else...we will be going for a funeral and trust me it will be yours" he barked at Levi.
Levi stood up wiping his mouth which was covered with blood , okay maybe not covered but that's what I'm seeing now.
  Smiling proudly he said "relax dude , I just wanted a taste "
"Taste? Taste?!!! , You foolish idiotic pervert " miracle shouted slapping Levi hard .
I still couldn't believe what was  happening , after being punched repeatedly miracle finally let Levi go .

   Miracle turned to me who was sitting on the floor shaking , he squat and carelessed my face .
"Are you okay"
"Uh..... Ye.....yeah "I said shaking
"You don't have to be scared Alex"
" did you know I was here",
Seriously Alex. What a stupid question.
"I suspected he would do something  when he called you here "
"I still don't get",
_and that's what I have been trying to explain to you and kehinde , Levi told me to say those things so heroes not hurt you"
"I don't get"
"He knew I liked kehinde but he also likes her , he said I should say does things to Kehinde so he does not hurt both of you because he has a lot of access to the school"
" This still  does not make sense , what does he have against us"
"I don't know but I do know that he has a plan , he will don't stop there he... Is planning on doing this to..."
"Other girls"
"Exactly , we need to report"
" But what can we do , his parents are influential people In the school"
"We have to report to the school authority"
"We need proof miracle , where are we going to get that"
"I don't know but we are talking about the safety of the female students in this school"
" I know Levi but we need some"
"Okay but we need back up",
"Sure and I know who will help us".


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