Chapter 1 -edited-

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It's all started when little Mal are going to start his first kindergarten. He is five years old now. Every kids in that age are really excited about their first kindergarten! Im sure you guys are too. But to Mal, it's not that excited to start kindergarten. Why? Because he got no friends nor he doesn't know how to make one. Lets say that our little Mal here is an introvert person. He not often go outside and play. No one actually knows that he was even there! So it's kinda hard for him to be in his first kindergarten.


"Mal? Wake up sweetie" Mal feels something warm gently touching his right cheek. He opens his eyes and see his mother was beside him. Looking down at him. He yawn
"Morning mommy" he said to his mother still half awake.
"Morning sweetie" she said with a smile on her face. "Come on, get up now it's your first day in kindergarten" she said.
"Already?" Mal said with a frown.
"Yes, are you okay sweetie? You seems like you're not excited about it" she asked and tilted her head to the side a little. Mal didn't say anything.
"Sweetie, be happy for mommy please" she said with a puppy eyes. Mal look at his mother's adorable and pretty face. He laugh.
"Okay mommy!" He said and gave her the biggest smile. She chuckles.
"That's my goofball" she pinch Mal's cheek. "Now go to the shower and meet me downstairs, I make your fav breakfast. I think you can already guess what it is" she wink at Mal.
"IS IT MILO?!" He said and jumped off of the bed.
"Well, you have to go and see for yourself, but first! Go to shower okay?" She said and walk out of the room.
"Okay mommy" Mal take his favorite towel and go to shower as quickly as he could. She knows that her little boy love milo. Whenever Mal is sad. Milo is the answer to make him smile again. You can tell how much Mal loves milo.


After a few minutes. Mal go downstairs and stand at the door way to the kitchen. Showing his mother his new outfit.
"Mommy look! Aren't I a handsome boy now?" He ask and make kinda like a superhero poses.

"Oh waw Mal, you look so handsome and cute!" She said with a smile on her face. "I'm sure someone will fall for you Mal" she tease.
"Mom!" He said with an angry face. She can't help it. Mal is to cute. "Y-you think so?" He asked and look down.
"Well Ofcourse sweetie, I'm sure someone wants to be your friend too" she smile. "Now let's eat breakfast before it gets cold"
"Okay mom!" He run to the dining table and sit on the chair. "You make pancakes?!" He said.
"Well yes, and i put milo on top" she point at the pancakes.
"Mom thank you so much!" He start to eat the pancakes.
"Your welcome sweetie" she follows Mal and eat the pancakes.


After a few minutes.
"Mal, come on we don't want to be late for your first day" she said and cross her arms.
"Okay mom, I'm coming" he run towards the front door and wear his shoes. "I'm ready!" He hold his mother's right hand.
"Good, now let's go" they walk together to the kindergarten. The kindergarten aren't that far from their home. So, they can just walk to go there. It's only take for a few minutes. In Mal's mother's perspective. It's really nice to just walk towards the kindergarten instead of driving because you can admire all the nature around you. Mal also think the same.


"Mal, we're here" she said and stop in front of the kindergarten gates. "Don't be nervous okay?" She smile. Mal look towards the other kid and frown a little.
"Im scared" he said.
"Why?" She ask.
"I don't know how to talk to people" he answer while looking at the other kids. "Can't I just not go to kindergarten?" He ask.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but this is really important" Mal just nodded and let his mother's hand go. They say their last goodbye and Mal walk into the gates. He look nervous and scared. He doesn't know what to do. He got to his class and he look around to find the best seat. He turn left and right, left and right. Then he spot an empty seat beside this one kid. He takes his opportunity to take the seat. He walk towards the seat. Before he could make it to the seat. Someone block his way. He doesn't know who is this kid and why she block his way.
"U-um, can I g-go the seat over there?" Mal asked nervously. The kid look down to Mal and say.
"No, that's mine" she said.
"B-but, there's no one sitting on the seat-" Mal said.
"So what? It's mine now" she said still blocking Mal's way. Mal try to look around to look for other seat. But all of them are already taken. "This is weird" Mal thinking to himself. He look back at the girl who was blocking his way. "There's no other seat, may I j-just take the seat?" He ask hoping that she would say yes.
"No!" She yell. "Just sit on the floor" then she push Mal to the floor. Mal fall to the ground and hit his head on the cabinet. "OUCH!" While grabbing his head. Mal try to hold back his tears but fail. He cried. "What a crybaby!" She laugh. Everyone in the class saw what happened and also laugh. Mal can't do anything except just grabbing his painful head and just cry.
"HEY! Stop that!" Someone push the girl to the side and stood up in front of Mal. "Stop bullying people Japan!" He look at the girl.
"Come on, I thought-" before she could finish her words.
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore!" He said. "Go back to your seat. That seats over there is ours!" He grab Mal's hand and pull him to the chair and let him sit down. Mal was confused. Who is this boy? Why is he helping him? He look at the boy who has just safe his life.
"I'm sorry about that. Japan was always act like that. Hows your head?" He ask. Mal nodded. "It's fine" he look down still holding the back of his head.
The boy come a little closer to Mal. Mal  was shocked and almost fall. "W-what?" He ask nervously.
"Nothing! My name is Indonesia! But you can call me Indo! What's your name?" He look at Mal with full of excitement.
"U-um, my name is Malaysia. You can call me Mal for short" he look at Indo.
"Well, nice to meet you Mal!" He give Mal a warm smile. Mal was spacing out for a little bit.
"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" He touch his own cheeks and look at Mal.
"N-no, it's just.. you're my first friend that I've ever made" he make a nervous laugh.
"No way! Really?!" Indo was shock.
"Y-yeah" Mal said and look at Indo. "Weird?" He ask.
"Wha-. N-no! Not at all!" He said. "Im glad that I'm your first friend!" Mal can tell that Indo is really excited and proud to himself. Mal smile.
"Friend?" Indo ask and give Mal a handshake. Mal look at Indo and smile.
"Friend!" They both laugh.

"Friend!" They both laugh

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"Mom will be so proud of me!"

Eyy!!!! Guys you make this far why not follow me for more? ^w^
I hope you guys enjoy this story. I know it's short. But i'll try to make a little bit more longer in the next part!
Pls leave a vote and comments about what you think of this story ^w^
All the drawings are belongs to me UwU
Yis i drew them-
After reading this- it is so cringe xD

Byeee!!! 💖✨💖

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