Chapter 2

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Hello and nice to meet you guys again! How are you? UwU hope you guys doing just fine. First of all I want to say thank you to all the people that willing to download the app just to read this story :'D I'm really happy- like seriously, thank you so much!! I love you guys :') 💖✨💖 and for those who are new here. Thank you too. I really appreciate your support on this story. 87 is a big number for a small bean like me. So I decide to continue this story!! Well, that's enough. Let's get back to the story-


"Mal look!!" Indo tap on Mal shoulder. Mal turn to his right to see Indo was drawing the two of them together. Indo is pretty good at drawing.
"That is so pretty Indo! You really good at drawing" Mal smile. Indo blush and scratches his cheek.
"T-thank you" still blushing. He turn to look at Mal's drawing. He was shocked.
"Mal! Your drawing is good too!" Indo's eyes sparkled.
"Thank you Indo" Mal give him a warm smile. "I want to draw us together too!" Mal grab his favorite crayons and start to draw. Indo watch him patiently with an exciting smile. Indo was sitting across the table. So he thought to him self to look at Mal closely. He look up to see Mal's face. He look at Mal for about 1-2 minutes And notice that Mal's have a different eyes colour. He, again, amazed about it.
"You have a different eye colour?" Indo climb on top of the table and lean his face right in front of Mal. Mal was shocked and back away quickly.
"Ye-yeah. Why?" He ask putting his hand over his face.
"Nothing, its beautiful! And it suits you alot!" Indo smile and get back to his seat. Mal stay still on his chair trying to figure out what just happen and blush a little. No one ever said that to him before except from his mother. Mal was spacing out.

(Its 4:47 am :3 I'm still up-)

Until, someone approach them.
"Hey Indo" he wave at Indo.
"Oh hey there Singa!" Indo wave back. Mal look up to see a country that have the same red stripe like Indo. The only thing that make them different is Indo doesn't have moon and stars while the other one have them. Singa look at Mal.
"Who's this?" He ask Indo. Indo stand up and run towards Mal and hug him.
"He's name is Mal! My new friend!" Still hugging Mal.
"H-hi" He said and give Singa a smile.
"Hi there, my name is Singapore, but you can call me Singa for short." Singa smile.
"You need something Singa?" Indo ask while still holding Mal from behind. Singa look over to Japan and look back at Indo.
"What's wrong with her?" Singa ask hoping for an answer.
"What about her?" Indo ask. Singa look down for a few seconds and look back up. He sigh.
"She told me that you hit her. Is it true Indo?" Singa ask. Indo eyes wide open.
"Wha- I just push her to the side, I didn't hit her at all. Right Mal?" Indo look at Mal. Mal was shocked. Singa look over to Mal and again, hoping for an answer.
"Ye-yeah, Indo didn't hit her at all" Mal look down. Singa sigh.
"Thank you for answering my question" he smile. "She's really a trouble some" he add. "Hope she didn't do anything to you Mal".
"N-no she didn't.." Mal give Singa a nervous laugh. Indo look at Mal but didn't say anything.
"Well that's all I want to know, hey Indo! Remember to meet me at the park!" He turn around and walk away.
"Okay buddy!" Indo let go of Mal and sit back to his seat. Mal was confused. They all look like they know each other for a very long time.
"Indo?" Mal whisper to Indo.
"Yes Mal?" He ask.
"You guys know each other?"
"Well Ofcourse! We've been friends since we are 3 years old! We live in the same neighborhood. So we play together alot, same as Japan." Indo explain to Mal. Mal just nodded and continue his drawing. Indo look at Mal. "Hey, since we are friend now. I want to make us as more than that!" Mal look up at Indo and tilted his head.
"What do you mean?" He ask.
"I want us to be BEST FRIEND!" Indo chuckles. Mal confused. 'What is best friend?' He ask himself.
"Indo? What is best friend?" Indo was shocked. He can't believe that Mal doesn't know what best friend is. But eventually he understands why Mal doesn't know what it meant, judging by Mal answer from earlier that he never have a friend and Indo is actually his first friend. Indo smile to himself thinking about it and a little proud that he was the first one. Who doesn't right?
"Best friend is- uh, you do stuff together with your friend! Like play together and hang out." He said trying to explain. His 5 years old brain is trying- Mal look at Indo for a few seconds.
"Sure! We can be best friend!" Mal smile
"YEY! Lets make a pinky promise!" He let out his pinky finger.
"What promises?" Mal ask. Mal is new to all of this 'friend and best friend' stuff. Indo trying to hold his laughter.
"Lets make a promise that we will stay together forever! And never going to leave each other side!" He said, waiting for Mal's answer.
"But! What if I want to go to the bathroom? Do you have to go in with me?" Mal still doesn't understand. Indo burst to laugh and Mal is blushing. "W-what so funny? Im being serious" he pout
"I know, it's just.." he pause "it's nothing! So pinky promise?" He said showing his pinky finger in front of Mal's face.
"Yes pinky promise!"

"Mom will be so proud, AGAIN"

They both laugh and continue drawing

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They both laugh and continue drawing. "Mal? Indo?" Someone call them from behind. They both turn around to see who was calling them. It was their teacher! Mr. Asean.
"Hi Mr. Asean!" Indo look up to The teacher happily. Mal did the same.
"Hey there, so I was looking at you guys across the room, why don't you play with the other kid?" He ask looking down at both of them.
"Because they're such a meanie Mr. Asean" Indo whisper. The teacher let out a little chuckles.
"What did they do to you?" He ask while smiling at them. He can't help it how cute this two are. A little about Mr. Asean is, he might look serious on the outside. But if you get to know him better. He's such a sweet heart. He give you lots of good advice and very supportive person. Indo only met him today and already make him as one of his favorite person. What about Mal? Ofcourse Mal is Indo first favorite person and no one can change that.
"They push Mal to the ground when you're not around" Indo point at Mal "Mal hurt his head too" Indo start to tear up. Mal was panicking seeing Indo like this.
"E-eh, Mr. Asean. There's no need to worry. Im fine, it doesn't hurt anymore" he give Mr. Asean a smile and pat Indo on the back.
"If you say so, but next time. Please tell me if they did something to you guys again" He gave them a smile and walk away. Sitting back on his desk reading a book.
"Indo, stop crying. I'm okay. See?" Mal try to pat his head to prove to Indo that its not hurt anymore.
"Really?" Indo sniffs. "Then I'm not gonna cry" Mal sigh in relief and smile. He blush a little because there's no one else ever cares about him except for his mother. He smile again.
"Mal! Lets continue our drawing!" Indo pull Mal toward the table. "I want to see you draw me" he laugh.
"Okay!" Mal sit on his chair and start drawing.

-aaaaaaaaa I'm sorry, i got no idea for this one so i just used whatever my mind have. I will try, yet again, to make the story longer than this. Anyway-
I know that  maybe some of you guys are new here-. pls check out my instagram
@ hyuna_komik
I do art
Art :v
My life is pretty boring-
Well thank you anyway! For reading this boring story- don't worry,
Interesting stuff will happen when they get older-
Be patient people UwU

Sorry for my broken english-

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