Chapter 6

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I got nothing to put up there :v

I also change all the title 👌🏻:'D

"Im going to find you!" Indo said out loud. Then he covered his mouth with his both hands. Everyone was looking at him. "Dude, you seriously going to look for him?" Canada ask Indo with serious expression. "W-why not? Look! Mal is my best friend and will always be! I missed him!" "That is so sweet" Japan said making a lenny face. "Stop with your ships thingy Japan!" Singa said and hit her forehead "ack! You don't have to hit me like that you know!" "It's weird okay!". They start arguing again. Indo sigh, and look up to the sky. So you really here huh? Where have you been all this time? Im worried. So worried. Tsk, stupid Mal. He thought to himself and let out a little chuckle. Canada was looking at Indo. "Japan?" "Yeah Canada-senpai?" "Im in" "In? In what?" "Your stupid ship. Im in-" they both smile and look at Indo. "Guys are you serious?" Singa face palm himself. "That's it, im going to class" he pick up his food and walk away. "E-eh! Wait for me Singa-senpai!" Japan run towards Singa and they both walk together.

Indo and Canada fill with awkward. "Uh Indo, let's get back to class" Indo snap. "Ah s-sure!" They both walk together heading to their class.

Time skip because im a lazy ass author-

"Bye Indo-senpai, Bye Singa-senpai!" Japan wave at Indo and Singa. Her house are close with Canada so she always walk with him after school. In the other hand, Indo's house are pretty close with Singa. So they always walk together. "Hey Indo?" "Yeah?" "Are you goin to go to that park again?" "What park?" "The place that you save your boyf- i mean, Mal. Your BESTfriend" Singa try to cover what he about to say. But Indo just slipped it off. "Well yeah, I want to see if he's there" "Well be careful okay?" "Sure, you sounds like my big bro phil!" Indo chuckles. "Im your big brother in school for sure" "eh?" "You wont stop clinging on me, it's annoying" "duh- I'm sorry" Indo try to bow but get hit by Singa on the head. "Stupid, don't try to be like Japan" They both laugh.

After a few minutes walking and havig fun joking around, they arrive in front of Singa's house. "Well, Indo see ya tomorrow! And text me if you see him again" "sure Singa, bye!" They hoth wave at each other and goes to their separate ways. Indo was walking towards the park. "I wonder if he's there". When he arrived, he see someone was standing by the pond. Indo sneak behind the bushes to see who it was. The person (well country) wearing a hoodie. Looks like the boy though. Indo thought to himself. Since he knows the person (uh country) was Mal. Indo decide to sneak behind him and give him a surprise.


"What the-"

Indo. Why buddy?

The person was shocked and fall into the pond. "Erk!- uh! Im so sorry!" Indo said trying to help the person. "U-uh, its- fine..". Indo give him a nervous laugh and offer his hand. When the person take Indo's hand. Indo pull him to hard. He didn't expect him to be this light. The person land right on Indo's chest (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). They both look at each other. That's when Indo realize. It was really him. Its HIM!! The eyes colour, the cute face and- wait. DID I JUST SAY CUTE?! Indo snap into reality and push Mal aside. "So it's really you Indo." Indo was shock and look back at Mal. "And it's really you Mal" They both hug each other and cry. "Where have you been Mal? I missed you so bad" "Didn't expect you to miss me that much Indo" Mal laugh still hugging Indo. "Im sorry Indo, things moved fast. Even I couldn't- uh." He shed in tears. "Hey it's okay buddy, now we have each other! Im so happy!!!" Indo let go of Mal and smile. This melt Mal's heart.

"How are you Mal?"
"Im doing good i guess."
"Doesn't sound good to me, why did you move here?"
"Can't I?"
Indo laugh
"I dont mean it like that buddy, you look lonely. Where's your mom?"
"She died a few years ago. You see, my mom and my father are back together when we were just in kindergarten. Then a few years later. They got in an accident. Both died.." Mal look sad and depressed. Indo try to comfort him but Mal keeps on going.
"Then someone took care of me. I don't know much about them. But, they took a good care of me. Finally i feel safe again. Then after i grew up, i told them that I want to go back to my hometown. They let me and.. here i am. Haha"
Indo just watched Mal and give him a pat. "Im sorry for your loss Mal. She was a nice mom. And your dad too"
"Yeah- what about you?"


"I lost my mom last year. Let's not get into the details" Indo said. This give Mal a worried feelings. But he just shove it off.
"Oh! Do you have anywhere to go? Like house and stuff?"
Mal respond with a nervous laugh.
"I came with... n-nothing"
WHAT?! IS THIS BOY STOPID?! Indo thought to himself.
"Mal, you're a dumdum-"
They both laugh.
"If you don't mind Mal. You can stay with me" Mal looks shocked.
"Tehee, is that alright?"
"Yeah! I got a few clothes for you to wear ! They might be big- but atleast you have something to wear."
"Sure, I don't mind"

At Indo's house
"We're here! Let me get the key "
"You have a pretty nice house Indo"
"Nah, it's actually Phil house"
Mal title his head to the side a little.
"Who's Phil?"
"OH! You meet him soon"
They both go into the house. Indo lock the door from behind and when he turn around. Phil was right in front of him face.
"Where the actual chicken were you?"
"AHHHH!! Dude- don't scare me like that!" Indo lend his back to the door and catch his breath.
"You deserve it" Phil look beside Indo and see a tiny country.
"Oh- who is this? Your boyfriend"
"Wha- NO, PHILL stop!"
Indo blush. Mal only stood there and also blush
"Liar" Phil look at Mal and give him a '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)' look.
"So Indo's little toy, where did you come from and why are you here?"
Mal was shock with what Phill just said and only look down feeling uncomfortable.
"Don't be shy. He don't bite, unless-"
"PHILL!! I swear to god if you don't shut your mouth"
"Finnnnneeeee, i make dinner- eat if you want. And uh little buddy?"
Mal look up and look at Phil
"Welcome" He smile.
Huh, Phil can be normal sometimes.
"Let's go upstairs, hope you don't mind sleeping in the same room with me. We got no other room left"
Mal look at Indo and give him a glare. Indo notice what Mal is thinking.
"I- I no b-bite! I swear! Im a good guy"
Mal laugh and they both walk into the room.
Phil peek through the door from his own bedroom.
"I ship" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hey guys :3 im BACK! Actually im bored and I suddenly got an idea what to write for the stories so yeah! Hope you guys enjoy this.
Need to ask you guys something-
Should i do like /SOMEONE/ p.o.v?
Lots of people do this and it makes me understand who is talking and who is not. So- should i???? Leave a comment pls ;w; and i- right now! Making an animation meme for 2k in instagram 🌚👌🏻 I can't wait-

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