Chapter 9

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this chapter is sucks

It's been a month since Mal ignores me. This makes me worried also sad at the same time. Oh not to mention that he also start to go to school after the day he ran away from me. We walk together and go home together. But we didn't talk to each other. Not much that is. He always answer my question with a simple answer like; yes, yeah, nope and no. Today we walk home together again. I have enough. I decide to talk to him. No matter what he answer is. I won't stop! 'Remembered what Sings told you!' I pause in silence and look at him. He look cold. Well it's raining today. Thank god it stop when we were about to head home. "Mal?" He didn't answer me. "Malllllll." I try to hold his hand but he push my hand away. "Mal what's wrong with you? You've been ignoring me for a month. Why? What did I do?" Still no answer from him. I sigh. I decide to just walk pass him. And leave him behind. Singa told me he MIGHT come running towards me if I try this. But..... it didn't work. I try to look behind me and I see- what. Wait wait wait! Where is he!? I didn't leave him that far right? I was panicking. I look around. I walk back to the spot I left him. But he was no where to be found. I was worried. I want to call his name but it's evening. Neighbor might kill me if I start yelling like a maniac-

I saw Indo walk pass me. I want to yell wait but I didn't. I can't. So I try to catch up to him from behind. But- i feel like someone is pulling me from behind. "Wha-" they pull me into the bushes and cover my mouth. I was panicking. I try to break free from the grip. He grab me to tight. I can't breathe. "I've been watching you from the start you come here" "mmmmm" "shut the f*** up!" I bit his hand and he let go of my mouth. I got time to scream for help and so I did. I scream as loud as I can hoping for someone to hear me. Hoping for Indo to hear me. "SHUT UP!!" He pin me to the ground and cover my mouth. "Listen, SLUT. We going to have so much FUN. And you have to obey everything!" I'm start to tear up and close my eyes. This time I really hoping for Indo to find me and save me. 'Indo please help me' 'Indo Indo Indo!' I start to cry. "Oh don't cry~" "let's start with something simple-" he added. Then he start to lean in. He grip is to strong I can't even fight back. All I could do is just my eyes and pray for someone to come and help me. What happened? It's been a few seconds and I didn't feel any touch from the guy. I open my eyes a little and see Indo. INDO?! He was beating the hell out of the guy. He look angry. Why he look so angry? I've never seen him like that before. Before I knew it, Indo take my hand and pull me closer to him. "Touch him again and I will end you!" He said. I still froze from what just happened. "Hey you okay?" He asked me. I just nodded. Then I felt my cheeks burn. It was my tears. "Hey don't cry!" Then he hugs me. It feels so warm. "I won't leave you like that anymore. I promise."

He promise.

Still Mal's pov.
Okay. I know what just happened back there is dangerous. But...

Is he seriously going to hold my hands like that?! He hold it so tight. It hurts a little. But I don't mind it. I feel safe when I'm around him. "Hey Indo?" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry for ignoring you" "Hey it's okay. I still don't get it why you ignore me" "I-it's nothing" (to be honest I don't remember why Mal ignore Indo in the first place-) "From now on! You going to stay close to me. No matter how much you hate it! You have to stay close to me" He said with a serious face on him. He's cute- "What are you looking at? Is there's something on my face?" "It's nothing Indo" I chuckle. "Thank you" ...

"Your welcome"

Um hi, sorry for not updating :3 I was busy with something :v and i also got an animation to finish. I didn't start yet tho. But it still on progress. You know finding and idea and all. So, im sorry if I didn't update lately- oh and also sorry for this chapter bcuz it's short. :') i make it longer jn the next chapter. Bye~~

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