Chapter 8

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Did he just kissed me? And did I just KISSED him back?! I was so panicked. I look down still blushing. Clinging to my cloth. Well his cloth. "W-what was that for Indo?" I asked him still looking down. I was so embarrassed to look at him. "I-" listening to his voice make my heart beating even faster. What is this feeling?! Is this? Why he didn't say anything?! I decide to look up anyway.



Past OUT?!  "INDO ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I shouted. Dammit. What are you Indo? You look tough from the  outside. But you can't even handle a KISS?! I was so angry but he- look- cute? I crawl next to him. What a cutie. I thought to myself. "Ugh, I need to move you to the bed" this is going to be painful.

Mal try to move indo toward the bed. "Why are you so heavy Indo" Mal pouted but still trying to move Indo. It's to hard. So he decide to pick Indo up. Even though he's a bit smaller (well he is smaller than Indo) "how did you grow this big? Uh i should stop talking to myself". He carry Indo almost look like a piggy back ride???????? Idk. When they both got on the bed. Mal was to tired to move then he drop himself and Indo onto the bed. "ARK! Why did I do tht!!" Indo was on top of him. Indo's was right on Mal's neck. "I-it's to hot" When he about to move Indo aside. The door swung open and theres Phil standing there about to shout at them. "Okay guys, if you want to bang each other please be mo-" he stopped. Then he give Mal a Lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). "Well, I take my leave now" he close the door gently. "Use protection-" Phil said outside. "What?- I-PHIL!!-y-you-i HATE- aaa" I will kill you. Good now both of them want to kill Phil. There's nothing Mal could do about it. Indo was on top of him. He can't moved. So he decide to just go to sleep. It's hard at first but he fall asleep eventually.

The next morning.

Still no one's pov
The next morning at 9 am. Indo woke up feeling dizzy and kinda want to puke. But he manage to keep it in. He's to lazy to move. Then he felt hurt like something under him. When he about to sit up. Someone grab him and pull him down. He was shocked and want to scream for help. 'Is someone in the house?!' He thought to himself. Then he look down and see Mal. Mal is the one who pulling him. "Wha- how did you get here?" Indo talk to himself. Then he take Mal's hands off. He stare at Mal face for awhile. Then he look at Mal's lips. 'It look soft..' he thought to himself. He move closer and closer to Mal's face. He stare at it for a few second before touching it with his lips. Then he heard a door knob being open behind him. He jump and move away from Mal. He look behind and there is Phill standing with an angry face. "What with that face for?" Indo ask confused. "Bro- I thought you have school today" Phill answered with an angry tone. " what do you mean? I woke up in time!" "YOU woke up in time?! Look at the clock you dummy!" Indo confused. He take the clock that sat beside him. He look at it with his eyes wide open. "NINE ALREADY?!" "Yeah NINE!" "Look! I didn't mean to overslept!" "Yeah? Really?" They both glare at each other. Then Phill look behind Indo and sigh. "Just don't do it next time. Wake up your boyfriend. I made breakfast" Anddd Phill close the door. "He's not my boyfriend!" He scratch his neck and look at Mal. "Ugghhhhh" he pouted then decide to go to shower before he wake Mal up.

A few minutes later.
I wake up with the sun shine through the window right to eyes. It hurts so I sit up on the bed. I look around for Indo but I didn't see him. "Where js he?" I rub my eyes and start to walk towards the bathroom. I try to go in but it's locked. 'Indo might be in there' I thought to myself. I look at the bed and I remembered what happened last night. I blush a little but let it go eventually. Then i heard the bathroom door open. It was Indo. "Oh hey Indo, good morning" I said with a smile on my face. "Morning" he said. He look weird? What happened? I decide to ask him. I walk next to him "You never give me a simple answer like that. What's wrong Indo?" I look at him with a curious face. He ignores me and keep searching for something? Maybe a cloth. I still standing beside him and watched him looking for something. Then he broke the silence. "Do you remember what happen last night?" He ask. His question make me jumped a little. Of course I do!! Doesn't he remember?! I sigh. I didn't answer his question. "Do you?" I decide to ask him back. "Oh I didn't remember anything." He said scratch his back head. Then he throw me a cloth. "Here wear this, you can borrow my t-shirt for now on" Huh, I guess it's not that bad. He got some nice cloth. I smile and walk towards the bathroom and take a long shower.

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