Chapter 5

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"I have to know!" Indo said. He walk home safely. When he arrived at his house, he let out his small keys and open the door. He walk in the house slowly because he doesn't want his housemate to wake up. "Hey Indo!" Someone call his name from behind. Indo turn around and see Phil. Phil is his housemate. They live together after Indo's parents died. He has no one else. That's when he met Phil. Phil took him as part as his family's. Indo feel safe after that. "Hey Phil" Indo walk pass Phil and head upstairs. "Don't you want to eat dinner first? You come home late today" Phill ask but Indo just ignore him. Phil knows that Indo is stubborn little boy. "i just knock his head in the morning" Phil sigh and go back to his room.

"If that really him, why would he ran away from me?" Indo talk to himself while laying on the bed looking outside the window that was beside him. The night sky is very pretty, he can't take his eyes off of it. Suddenly he remember about the nightmare he had early. He snapped. "Dammit-" he look bothered and scared. "Thanks to that nightmare, now I can't sleep" he mumbled to himself, he sit up on the bed and look at his phone. "Should I tell Singa that I saved someone's life today?" He was about to tell him but put his phone back to his side. "He won't trust me-" he lay back on his bed.

Next morning.



"Wake up dummy"

Indo open his eyes and see Phil was in front of him. "Ugh, what time is it?" Indo asked. "It's already 7 and you going to be late for school kiddo" Phil just walk away from Indo, leave him with a confused face. "It's already 7" there's a long pause. "WAIT 7?!?" He jump off of his bed and and ran to the shower.

"What a dumbazz" Phil chuckle and prepare the breakfast.

After a few seconds

"AA WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER??!" Indo shout and ran downstairs heading to the front door. "You forgot your breakfast brother" Phil peek through the kitchen door. "Heck the breakfast, I'm late for school! The teachers will kill me!" He wear his shoes and walk out of the house. "Huh, kids these days" Phil continues eating his breakfast. "Now who going to eat all this".

"Ah! Stupid Phil! I can't believe his my big brother now!" He ran as fast as he can. "Why is it so dark today?" He look up to the sky. It looks dark? "Is it about to rain or what. Aah I should have brought my jacket!" He just keep on going. Who cares about the jacket right? He don't mind being rain on.

After a few minutes running non stop. Indo finally arrived at school. He was standing beside the front gate while catching his breath. "You're late Indo" Indo jump a little. He look up and see Mr. Germany. His math teacher. "H-hi there" He answer. "What's your excuse for today Indo?" Germany stand in front of Indo and cross his arms. "Uh, my brother didn't wake me up?" He laugh nervously. "Same as before?" Germany ask and sigh. "Im tired of your excuses Indo. Just go to your class" he said with an angry tone. "Alright teach" Indo start walking towards his classroom. When he get in. He got jumped AGAIN by Singa and Canada. "INDO, What's up!" Canada ask while pulling Indo in. "Ugh, like always!" He said. "You should buy an alarm or something- or just use your phone for once" Singa said while following the both of them. "I know! Im sorry" Indo sat down on his seat and look outside. "GUYS!! The teacher coming!"

"Hey Canada" Indo poke Canada on the shoulder. "Yeah?" He answered still looking on his book. "Um, l've done something last night" Indo look down nervously. Canada look at Indo with a confused face. "Dude, you don't have to be shy about it, we're dudes and we alwa-" Indo covered Canada's mouth. "Wtf- not that thing!! I save someone's life last night!" Indo blush. "Oooohhh" Canada just nodded "Do you know who's the person you just save?" Canada close his book and look at Indo. "Uh, it's night and dark. So I can't see that well" he played with his own hands. Indo look up at Canada. "I think it's him".

"What? Who?" Canada ask. "Who's him?" He look curiously. Indo just stay silent for a moment. Catching his breath "I think I save Mal's life" "pffft!" Canada start laughing really hard until he fall to the ground. "Y-you really think it's him?! Hahahaha" Canada start rolling on the ground, he can't stop laughing at Indo. "Come on! I really think I did save him!" I swear I will hit Canada later. He thought to himself. "Hey what's with the noise huh?" Indo turn around and see Japan and Singa. "Oh hey Japan, he-" before Indo could finish. Canada cut him off. "Guys! Indo said that he save MAL last night!" Still laughing. "Eh? Indo-senpai save Mal? Hows that possible? Mal is not here anymore" Japan just tilted her head to the side looking at Indo. "Yeah Indo, He's not here" Singa look at Indo. "B-but I did! I swear I did! I saw him!" Indo just shook his head and look at Singa and Japan. "But what if someone you just save is America-senpai?" This thought comes to Indo's mind. Maybe she's right? Ame and Mal have the same pattern. But, the voice is not the same. "But, the person that I saved doesn't sounds like Ame at all!" Theres a long pause between the four of them.

"I think the person that Indo-senpai saves is really Mal" everyone look at Japan. "What do you mean Japan?" Singa asked. "A few days ago, I saw Mal walking down the street, at first I really don't believe it. But when I get a little closer. It was really him!" Everyone stood there in shock. Indo's eyes was wide open. He can't believe it either! So it is true that the person he saved is really Mal? "Are you sure Japan?" Canada ask. " mhm! Japan don't lie! I always speak the truth!" She said. "Not always" Singa cough loudly to make sure she didn't catch what he said. "I heard that!" Japan smack Singa's head. "Ouch!"

Indo still stood there in silence. Thinking to himself. How much he missed his best friend. And now he finally can meet him! He was so happy and let out a smile. "You smiling" Canada said looking at Indo. "Im just happy that's all" "I never see Indo-senpai this happy before!" Japan hug Indo from behind "we're happy for you Indo!" Indo smile and give everyone a hug. "Hey if you see him again, you know maybe after school. Tell him that three of us say hello" Singa look at Indo and smile. Wow- it's hard to see Singa smile like that "Yeah!" "Hm-hm! Please Tell Mal-senpai that Japan miss him!" They all smile. I've never seen them smiling like this before. Im glad that they feel the same way like I do.

"Mal! I will find you buddy"

idk wht title should i put ;-;

Guys- i wont be update in a few days or so- bcuz i got no idea wht to write, i also busy making vids for instagram UwU hope you dont mind waiting-
Thts all

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